Men Share 25 Annoying Things They Experience Because Of Being A Man
The thread was started by a Reddit user called u/TrueAlphaMale69420. Right after it was posted, the thread was bombarded by over 4,000 comments. Many of the responses are very interesting. Let's scroll down and check out the Reddit thread to have a better understanding of men and what they want to stop being judged for. Which ones do you find familiar? Share your thoughts with us.
Source: TrueAlphaMale69420
Being shy
Source: RadiantHC
Taking the sudden wide step to free our balls from sticking to our thigh
Source: AJSK18
Being short. Literally, no one has control over their height. Judge people for the things they *can* control.
Source: Ourobius
I'm not a rapist because I'm out at night. I'm not a predator because I have a child in my company. I'm not dangerous because you're defenseless. I'm not a creep because you can't tell why I'm there. I'm not an incel because you don't have empathy for men.
Source: LoanerPersonality
Seeking support with mental health. I grew up in an environment where this wasn’t ok, but in adulthood, I very much needed help working through things and didn’t have the tools or understanding to do it alone.
Source: wolf_talon
Not being in the mood for sex. Women (or men) can take it so personally. Sometimes we're too exhausted.
Source: jayeskimo
Drinking cocktails instead of beer. Or “girly drinks”. It’s my money dammit and I’m gonna drink something that tastes good.
Source: Tebowtime195
Complimenting another man.
Source: Overall_Sandwich_671
Not peeing standing up. Sitting is so much more comfortable.
Source: aleee_j0
Interacting with kids. Especially younger kids, the majority of men arnt pedophiles.
Source: Cautious_Travel_4762
Getting physically taken care of, for instance massage, spa that kind of thing. Why should women be the only ones to get that stuff? Massages are the best thing.... especially if you do lots of heavy lifting, sports, you know "man" stuff
Source: Ginger-Beefcake
Showing emotion, or not showing emotion. We should get to choose how we feel.
Source: Crossfyre13
For not having a house, not having a car, or not being financially stable. I'm doing what I can, ok?
Source: Axolotl_SAM
Having hobbies people define as effeminate.
Such as baking, gardening, textiles, stuff like that.
Elaborating, I love gardening myself, I have a growing garden myself and it has helped immensely with anger issues I used to have, and I’ve had guests over who always assume it’s a product of my wife’s work, which is why I mentioned it.
Source: Foxtrot-Actual
Parenting kids, Working in primary education and being babysitters. People just automatically assume that when a man is doing these things that he’s a pedophile and not to be trusted. But women are never suspect? It doesn’t make sense. If you are concerned with protecting your kids from unsavory individuals, do a background check.
Source: Argreath2
Stoicism. I get it's the modern era and people wanna be open about their feelings and be free to cry. But it cuts both ways. If a man wants to keep their emotions private and in check, he shouldn't be judged as being regressive or cold.
Source: SeanG909
Expressing ourselves.
My wife is pregnant and has a full-time job, since she’s been pregnant I’ve taken on doing 100% of the cooking, cleaning, errands, groceries, rubbing her feet, taking care of her (When she gets home from work, I put on her favorite show and have her relax the rest of the day, I refuse to have her do any work), etc. This is additional to me already working my job where I pay all our bills, do yard work, do vehicle maintenance, etc. I work from the time I get up to the moment we go to bed.
I love my wife very much and want this time for her to be as easy as possible because I know she’s having it tough. She knows that I’ve been busting my a*s lately, but anyone on the outside thinks men do nothing during this time. Conversations with other people usually go in the way of berating me (Or men in the relationship) by insinuating that I need to step it up more, I’m not doing enough, and if I dare bring up the fact that I’m overwhelmed I’m seen as weak and unfit to be her husband.
I get it though, there are some really s****y guys out there and they’re taking their frustration out on me, but for those of us who are actually putting forth an effort, it’s demoralizing. This type of behavior is why a lot of men simply say nothing because we’d rather not say anything for 15 minutes than deal with hours of drama.
Source: Krieger8907
Taking long showers. I wish that I was able to take a long shower without everybody in the household thinking I'm having a wank.
I just want to enjoy hot water, it's relaxing.
Source: Androtical
Taking their full paternity leave as permitted by their employer.
Source: gloebe10
Getting a sports car or new clothes or s**t. I couldn't afford the cars I wanted when I was younger. It's not some phase or a mid-life crisis. Stop labeling men as immature for enjoying things they couldn't when they were younger. Maturity is not defined by one's hobbies or interests. And I just like the car.
Source: Envy_The_King
Having trust issues with women. We are supposed to accept women have trust issues with men, but guys are taken less seriously even when they have solid reasons.
Source: Acryllus
Bringing up something that bothers them about their partner, from the major to minor issues.
Honestly, having to deal with the 2-hour long fallout about how said issues make YOUR PARTNER FEEL after they hear it, makes it not worth it. So that s**t gets bottled up.
Source: JustLetItShine
Being lonely and depressed.
Source: AageKush
Being close to their parents. Just because a man is close to his parents/ mother doesn’t mean he’s a “mama's boy.”
Source: Avocadofarmer32
Not being comfortable around kids. It doesn't mean they can't handle kids or don't like kids. Most likely, it just means they're new to it.
Source: YeePepper
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