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  1. Their love story began with many challenges.
  2. Now, the couple is the happiest they've ever been as parents, and they feel truly blessed.
  3. The couple has a crucial message, and they hope to reach a wide audience with it.

Meet Britain's First Transgender Parents Who Both Swapped Genders And Inspired Millions While Raising Their Two Beautiful Kids

Meet Hannah, 36, and Jake Graf, 45, a couple who became Britain's first transgender parents after both transitioning and are now raising two beautiful kids together.

“We’re just normal—not the freaks and weirdos we’re made out to be,” is the frequent response from Jake and Hannah Graf when asked about their family's journey. Both partners have undergone gender transitions, and recently, they joyfully welcomed their second child. The level of public interest in their story is considerable, and they harness it for a purpose. As a devoted couple, now parents to two, they carry a significant message to share with the world through their experiences.


Their love story began with many challenges.

Source: Jake Graf

Nothing out of the ordinary happened when actor, writer, and director Jake Graf asked his girlfriend, British Army Captain Hannah Winterbourne, to marry him in September 2017. They had been dating for two years, and they knew they had a promising future together.

But here's where the love story takes a unique turn: Hannah, who would become Jake's wife, was born male and later transitioned, ultimately becoming the highest-ranked transgender officer in the British Army. On the other hand, Jake had been living as a woman for a while before undergoing his own life-changing transition.

Source: Jake Graf

Hannah talks about her life, saying, "Growing up as a transgender person while keeping it a secret, reading all the mean things people said about transgender folks on social media, made me feel like no one could ever love me. So the idea of dating, having a relationship, getting married, and having kids feels like a dream come true to me."

Jake adds, "I grew up in London. I didn't even know what 'trans' or 'transgender' meant. I just knew from a very young age that I was a boy, but I didn't receive any support for that. I had low self-esteem, no confidence, and felt like I couldn't be myself because everyone said I wasn't a boy. I couldn't have imagined transitioning or finding love, getting married, and having a baby. Having what many consider a normal life seemed completely out of reach. I feel incredibly fortunate every day."


Now, the couple is the happiest they've ever been as parents, and they feel truly blessed.

Source: Jake Graf

Jake and Hannah now have a 4-year-old daughter named Millie and a 2-year-old daughter named Teddie. They're known as one of Britain's most well-known transgender couples, and they take this role very seriously.

Jake always knew he wanted to be a parent. He stopped taking testosterone for six months and had his eggs collected and fertilized with donor material. These embryos were frozen for later use. After they got married, they worked with a surrogate who carried both of their daughters. Their journey into parenthood was even featured in a documentary called "Our Baby: A Modern Miracle" in 2020.

Source: Jake Graf

Today, the couple is amazed at how their lives have turned out.

“A father of two! It’s more than I ever imagined,” exclaims Jake. “Just saying the words seems beyond my reality.”

Hannah chimes in, “It’s hard to imagine I once doubted this life was possible. There are so many trans people who would love to have a relationship and family like ours. We’re really very lucky.”


The couple has a crucial message, and they hope to reach a wide audience with it.

Source: Jake Graf

Jake remembers the response they got from society, saying, “When it came out, we were amazed that we received nothing except positivity. It was very encouraging how much love and support we received. But the book feels so revealing and permanent. Everyone talks about trans people, but there are no human stories.

All we see are sweeping generalizations, misinformation, and fabrications. I know about the power of storytelling from my filmmaking, and we’ve got this story to tell to change public opinion and make it easier for the next generation of trans kids, who hopefully won’t have as tough a time as we did.”

And that's the story, folks! Share your thoughts in the comments below. Don't forget to like and spread the article with your loved ones. Stay tuned for more content like this from Aubtu. Thank you!

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