Karen Threatens To Sue Her Roommate For Putting Vegetables In Food That She And Her Son Are Trying To Steal

Ah, the legendary picky eater who avoids anything green like it's the villain in a movie! You'd think by the time they hit thirty, they'd grow out of it and embrace some veggies, but nope! Some things never change. I mean, I can't blame them; Brussels sprouts aren't my jam either, unless they're hiding under a cheese avalanche! But imagine encountering a full-grown adult who still refuses to touch veggies—now that's a puzzle!
So here's the juicy tale of a woman living with a picky kid and his mom, who seems to be in on the green-avoidance game too. They've been sneaking bites of her food, and it's driving her up the wall. But hold on! Our clever heroine concocted a brilliant plan—she started veggie-flying all her dishes! And guess what? The mom and kid won't touch them! Genius! It's like a veggie revenge saga, making sure no thief can lay hands on her meals ever again! Oh, the sweet satisfaction of outsmarting food thieves with the power of greens!
Continue to read on for her story, as shared with Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit community, here.
Here is OP’s full story:

After having enough of her roomie’s kid eating her leftovers, she started adding veggies to put a stop to it.

The audacity of this woman.

If anything, making the food healthier stirred up the boiling tension even more.

No doubt about it, this post went viral faster than a sneeze in a crowded room, and boy, did it catch everyone's attention! Here are some of the best responses it received:


And some users advised OP that the best way to put this situation to an end is to move out and get a new place.

Now that you've read the story, it's time for you to spill the beans! Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Let us know in the comment section below. We love hearing your thoughts, so don't be shy! Share your experiences and join the conversation in the comment section below!