Job Offers $20 An Hour For Master's Degree Holder, Pays $10, Tries To Call It A Typo
Starting a new job, even if you're used to working, can be really confusing. There are lots of forms to sign, contracts to read, and people to meet. It's on top of tough interviews too. Sometimes, it feels like they're trying to confuse us on purpose, like they want to trick or use us. But not all jobs are like that. Some bosses are good and care about employees.
But this story isn't one of those. Someone on Reddit asked for advice when they were promised good pay but got only half. Having gone through a master's program to be lied to and paid ten dollars an hour must feel like a slap in the face. This kind of shenanigans seems like the kind of thing that would only happen with bad drug deals and under-the-table contractor work, but somehow it happens.
Check out the full story below and see what Redditors had to say about it, because it's hard to know what to do when you are desperate for a job.
The question was posted to Reddit:

Which is where the advice comes in! Quit or fight?

No doubt about it, this post went viral faster than a sneeze in a crowded room, and boy, did it catch everyone's attention! Here are some of the best responses it received:

Technically there's a contract involved.

Another great advice.

All the advice boils down to: get a lawyer!

Lastly, OP gives us an update:

Now that you've read the story, it's time for you to spill the beans! Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Let us know in the comment section below.