
Imagine How 16 Famous Movie Characters Would Look Without Their One Unique Feature

When it comes to our favorite characters, it is sure that the first thing coming to our minds is those physical features. In fact, scriptwriters have to devote a great amount of time to studying characters’ looks which not only express their personalities but leave a strong impression on viewers.
For example, Winifred Sanderson in “Hocus Pocus” is featured with huge teeth, or Chaplin is famous for having an iconic mustache. Those details make them stand out. But what happened if they didn’t exist?
To answer this question, we decided to take some popular characters and removed or changed their most distinctive features. If you’re curious, keep scrolling down to see how 16 famous movie characters would look without their one unique feature.

#1 Willy Wonka

Source: © Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Village Roadshow Pictures

Willy Wonka, an almost flawless man, was given a unique short hair. We wondered what he's look like with long hair.

#2 Lord Voldemort

Source: © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows / Warner Bros.© Engin_Akyurt / Pixabay

The mysterious and evil Lord Voldemort is famous for having a weird nose. Some fans believed that it's a side effect of the constant use of dark magic. We fixed it and now, let's see his new one.

#3 Gollum

Source: © The Lord of the Rings / New Line Cinema

Gollum (or Sméagol) who is obsessed with a ring that was almost impossible to destroy, impressed viewers with his weird looking movie characters, especially his enormous eyes. We changed him by making them smaller.

#4 Commodus

Source: © Gladiator / DreamWorks Pictures

The evil emperor, Commodus was featured with notorious dark circles. We removed them and this was the result.

#5 Charlie Chaplin

Source: © Moern Times / Charles Chaplin Productions

We always remember the image of Chaplin with moustache which became such an iconic feature. Now, let's take it off and enjoy the new version of Charles!

#6 Lloyd Christmas

Source: © Dumb and Dumber / New Line Cinema

To attract viewers' attention, Lloyd Christmas from "Dumb and Dumber" was given chipped teeth. After watching this hilarious film, we just couldn't resist the temptation of giving that piece of tooth back to Lloyd.

#7 Winifred Sanderson

Source: © Hocus Pocus / Walt Disney Pictures

 Winifred's huge teeth became an iconic feature. Moreover, her lips were painted in a special way to make them smaller. Here, we provide her a natural smile.

#8 Professor Sybill Trelawney

Source: © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros.

Have you ever imagined what professor Sybill Trelawney would look like if she didn't have peculiar big eyes? This is the answer.

#9 Jack Sparrow

Source: © Pirates of the Caribbean / Walt Disney Pictures

Captain Jack in "Pirates of the Caribbean" won millions of hearts, whethere or not he has dark eye circles.

#10 The Mask

Source: © The Mask / New Line Cinema© Pexels / Pixabay

Every single part of the green-faced character expressed his intense emotions, except for eyebrows. Many fans argued that there was invisible eyebrows. Yet, we wanted to add the real one.

#11 Thor

Source: © Averngers: endgame / Marvel Studios

God of Thunder looked so handsome with long hair and even short hair. But how he'd look wihtout any hair at all? This is the result and he still looks gorgeous.

#12 Shrek

Source: © Sherk / DreamWorks Animation© theharpreetbatish / Pixabay

 Shrek’s extraodinary ears work as trumpets. But we wanted to use this opportunity to see how he’d look with regular ears.

#13 Bart Simpson

Source: © The Simpsons / 20th Century Fox Television© Naruto / TV Tokyo

We are used to seeing Bart with his classic spiky hair so we turned it into something different.

#14 Forky

Source: © Toy Story / Walt Disney Pictures

Most of us fall in love with cute and made-from-whatever-you-had-at-your-disposal Forky. To make him neater abd more normal looking, we added him symmetrical eyes and 2 eyebrows.

#15 Ariel

Source: © The Little Mermaid / Walt Disney Pictures

When it comes to Ariel, we often think of her stunning red hair. That's why we decided to dye it blond, which makes her look radically different.

#16 Pikachu

Source: © Pokemon / The Pokemon Company

Cute Pikachu has stolen millions of hearts all over the world. Look at his look, we came up an interesting idea, removing his lightning-like tail and added a fluffy one. So, which look is cuter?
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