Artist Shows How It Actually Feels To Have Two Ferrets (30 Pics)
Today, let’s meet Meemoo and Feefo, the dynamic duo of fur and fun brought to us by Siberian artist Liza Nechaeva. She is a talented illustrator and in her delightful comics, Liza captures the playful (and occasionally mischievous) escapades of her two ferrets. She even gave them the affectionate nickname "catsnakes" for their lively antics.
And you know what? Besides being charming pets, Meemoo and Feefo have become celebrities on social media, with an active number of 128,000 followers on Instagram. Liza cleverly describes their lovable personalities in her comic series, turning their daily activities into entertaining tales that can be related to fans who are eager for a daily dose of fun and whimsy. Join the growing group of fans and enjoy all the little surprises in these lovely comics.
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