Heroic Dog Saves Freezing Baby Calf And Refuses To Leave His Side Until He’s Nursed Back To Health

“His mother was to weak to care for him, and the cold and wet and nearly taken him,” the OP (original poster) shared. “His nose was frozen stiff and his eyes looked dead, but he was breathing, if barely.”
In an attempt to preserve his life, his mother and grandmother brought the calf inside right away and covered him with blankets and heating pads. Next, they gave the cow antibiotics as well.
And you know what is truly heartwarming? Bosko stayed by the calf's side the entire time!

After four hours, the family finally got hopeful news when the baby cow started to move and his breathing regularized. Just when Bosko decided to go inside for some rest, the family’s other dog, Duke, came in and “took up the night shift,” keeping the cow company. How adorable, isn’t it?
With time, the calf's condition got better. On the third day, he was "up and about" and eating without any problem. Not long after that, the calf was healthy enough to go back with the other cows after receiving bottle feedings for a few weeks.

Later, the cow was named Zeke. Despite his slight underweight following his health scare, he was otherwise in good condition and was referred to as "one of the friendliest cows you will find."
Zeke had "become a mascot of sorts" and a sidekick to one of their bulls, so the Reddit poster hilariously promised to readers that they would not be eating the cow.

It can be said that, thanks to the kind dog that came to his aid in the rain, the small cow made it through and had his valuable chance in life. The owner says that Bosko was also a rescue, so it’s as if he’s paying it forward to another animal in need.
“He was a [rescue] case himself,” u/Oakenboken wrote. “Showed up near our front gate a few years back with his brother, Duke. Both were skin an bones, full of worms, and had chewed up ropes around their necks. We took em in and got em fixed up and back to good health. Now, they’re the co-kings of the castle.”