  Table of content    
  1. OP is the mother of a 9-month-old son.
  2. Her mother has been a great help in taking care of her son.
  3. Grandma has a new request.
  4. Is it reasonable to ask for payment for taking care of your grandson?
  5. Grandma is divorced and single.
  6. OP is hurt by her demand.
  7. Should OP take her son to a nursery instead of paying her mother?
  8. No doubt about it, this post went viral faster than a sneeze in a crowded room, and boy, did it catch everyone's attention! Here is what people think about the situation:
  9. Does she pay her living rent?
  10. It's about feelings, not finances.
  11. If she's being professional, OP should do the same.
  12. Send your son to nursery.
  13. Accept her conditions and inform her about the cost of housing.
  14. Set up the rental agreement.
  15. Propose a fair and reasonable compensation for looking after the child.
  16. Consider the scenario from a different perspective.
  17. It’s hard to look after a 9-months old baby, so pay her.

Grandma Requests Payment For Grandson's Care Despite Living Rent-Free

Navigating life with a baby becomes quite a juggling act, especially when both partners are working. The silver lining? Having doting grandparents on hand to step in and care for your little one when you're away They're the ultimate in trust and reliability. But what happens when the unexpected comes knocking?

Picture this: a new mom seeking guidance from the online community because her own mother has thrown a curveball by requesting payment for watching over her precious 9-month-old bundle of joy. Tough, right? Now let's scroll down to go through the whole story and what the internet users have to say about it.


OP is the mother of a 9-month-old son.

Source: Candyfloss11

Her mother has been a great help in taking care of her son.

Source: Candyfloss11

Grandma has a new request.

Source: Candyfloss11

Is it reasonable to ask for payment for taking care of your grandson?

Source: Candyfloss11

Grandma is divorced and single.

Source: Candyfloss11

OP is hurt by her demand.

Source: Candyfloss11

Should OP take her son to a nursery instead of paying her mother?

Source: Candyfloss11

No doubt about it, this post went viral faster than a sneeze in a crowded room, and boy, did it catch everyone's attention! Here is what people think about the situation:


Does she pay her living rent?


It's about feelings, not finances.

Source: SonicBroom

If she's being professional, OP should do the same.


Send your son to nursery.

Source: PGSTesting123

Accept her conditions and inform her about the cost of housing.

Source: NYnewstart

Set up the rental agreement.


Propose a fair and reasonable compensation for looking after the child.

Source: BurningBright7

Consider the scenario from a different perspective.

Source: Ozanj

It’s hard to look after a 9-months old baby, so pay her.

Source: Bouncer500

People have two opinions on this. Some suggest sending the child to the nursery for professional care and if the grandmother wants payment, OP should also consider asking for additional expenses like rent and food. Others feel that the grandmother might be in need or that emotional factors could be involved. OP should think from a different perspective and find a solution that works. Talking to the mother is important as it's about emotions, not just money.

What's your take? Should OP choose a nursery or compensate the mother? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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