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  1. 'Goodnight Mommy' Ending Explained: Is The Bandaged Woman The Twins' Real Mother?

'Goodnight Mommy' Explained: The Meaning Of The Tragic Twist

The intense psychological thriller "Goodnight Mommy" takes a profound twist in its conclusion, unraveling layers of grief, guilt, and distorted perceptions.

Plot Recap: What Happens at the End of 'Goodnight Mommy'?

The American remake of the Austrian horror film "Goodnight Mommy" revolves around twin brothers, Elias and Lukas, who become suspicious of their mother's identity after she undergoes facial surgery and starts displaying unusual behavior. The story takes a chilling turn when the boys believe their real mother has been kidnapped and replaced by an imposter.
The clues intensify as the mother forgets familiar things, exhibits anger, and her eyes seemingly change color. A mysterious trail of blood further fuels the twins' conviction that their actual mother is in danger. Tensions rise, leading to a confrontation with the police, who find the mother without her bandages.
In a desperate attempt to unveil the truth, the boys restrain their mother, suspecting her to be an imposter. However, the story takes a significant twist when Elias discovers green contact lenses, realizing that Lukas, his twin brother, has been a figment of his imagination.

'Goodnight Mommy' Ending Explained: Is The Bandaged Woman The Twins' Real Mother?

  • The Tragic Twist Unveiled: After tying their mother to a bed, Elias discovers green contact lenses in her purse. This prompts a realization — Lukas, his twin brother, has been a figment of his imagination, influencing his thoughts and actions throughout the film. This also explains why his mother has been behaving differently towards him-she is his real mother, and also haunted by grief. Elias's mother, after convincing him to release her, takes him to the barn, revealing a tragic incident from their past. Elias had accidentally shot Lukas while playing with a loaded gun, resulting in his death. The blood trail in the barn symbolizes this haunting event. Despite the evidence, Elias is unwilling to accept the truth. Overwhelmed by guilt and denial, he pushes his mother off a pillar in the barn. This act is a manifestation of his struggle to cope with the reality of his brother's death.
  • The Barn in Flames: As Elias flees, he sets the barn on fire. This blaze serves as a visual representation of the emotional turmoil within Elias and the destruction of the constructed reality where Lukas is alive. The film ends with Elias in a field, visibly distraught. He receives imaginary comfort from his mother and Lukas, emphasizing the enduring nature of his hallucinations. The cycle of denial and constructed reality continues.
  • Psychological Themes: "Goodnight Mommy" transcends typical horror conventions, becoming a psychological exploration of trauma's profound impact. Elias's delusions are a coping mechanism for the guilt he feels, portraying how the mind can distort reality to shield itself from unbearable truths. The mother's distant and changed behavior is a reflection of her grief. Unable to cope with the loss of Lukas, her once-happy memories become corrupted. The film poignantly portrays how grief can alter one's perception of self and others.
In conclusion, "Goodnight Mommy" concludes as a haunting portrayal of the intricate relationship between trauma, grief, and the fragility of the human mind. The horror transcends the supernatural, delving into the psychological horror of living with loss 
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