
Family Blocked By Large Glass Tank On Road And Gets Surprised Knowing Who’s Inside

Imagine a typical family day disrupted by a strange find. One day, a family noticed something placed in their way. As they stepped outside, they were met with an unexpected sight: a large glass tank mysteriously blocking their driveway. They started to be confused. Who left it there, and for what reason? Then they turned to a neighbor's video footage for answers and discovered an unexpected story.
Source: RSPCA

Right at the moment they saw the glass tank, they immediately observed it, and what they saw was a state of disarray. It seemed like a small room for pets, but there was no sign of a caring hand—no water, no warmth, and no light source. It was as if it had been abandoned, but then something came from the shadows. Surprisingly, it was a 6-foot-long boa constrictor lying quietly inside the box and awaiting assistance from someone.

This intriguing discovery prompted the family to take action. They quickly contacted the RSPCA, and animal rescue officer Enola Evans hurried to the scene. The snake, despite its horrific condition, appeared to be doing surprisingly well. Its vibrant-colored skin still looked beautiful, even in the situation of abandonment.

“The boa had been left for a few hours in the cold as there was no heating or lighting in the vivarium,” Evans said in a press release. “Despite that, she was in good condition, and she was a really beautiful snake with vivid-colored skin.”

Source: RSPCA

Enola was saddened by the sight of the abandoned snake but relieved that it was still hanging on. She ensured that the animal was placed under the care of a reptile rescue, where it would receive the attention it deserved.

This strange occurrence made us wonder why someone would abandon an animal in such a crucial way. This was certainly very dangerous for both the animals and people around, and it was really irresponsible to take such action. Regardless of the reasons, one thing was clear – there was no excuse for such heartless abandonment.

“These sorts of abandonments could have been due to various factors, such as the cost of living crisis and people not being able to take reptiles with them when they moved homes—but there’s never any excuse to dump an animal like this,” Evans said.

Source: RSPCA

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