
20 Failed Photos That People Should Have Checked Before Posting At All Costs!

Before posting anything on social networks, there is an immutable rule that is to carefully check the pictures/text...that you want to post. Everyone wants to have quality and thoughtful posts, right? If you're like Layla, you'll get into the habit of checking from top to bottom and after making sure there's nothing weird or wrong, hit the publish button.
Layla believes that it's a good habit and will save you from regretting posting some embarrassing photo/text - like the 20 cases below. These 20 failed photos are the result of not checking photos before posting, causing the owner to fall into a situation of extreme regret and shame. If you’re hungry for some more hilarious situations, don’t miss our post here.

#1. It's Not As Cute As You Thought

Source: postfun

#2. "Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture"

Source: postfun

#3. He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool

Source: postfun

#4. If You're Going To Photoshop, At Least Try To Hide The Truth

Source: postfun

#5. Not Your Typical Trip To The Zoo

Source: postfun

#6. Is The One In The Back Okay?

Source: postfun

#7. There's No Dfailedphotosnity In Being A Dog

Source: postfun

#8. Check Your Mirror, Plz

Source: postfun

#9. The Bodybuilder And His Mom The Dedicated Fan

Source: postfun

#10. The Background Steals The Show

Source: pinterest

#11. Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes

Source: postfun


Source: pinterest


Source: pinterest

#14. Oops

Source: pinterest

#15. It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself

Source: postfun

#16. Omg She's Dating A celebrity And I See Nothing Off About This Photo

Source: postfun

#17. Answering Those Tough Questions

Source: postfun

#18. What're You Looking For?

Source: postfun


Source: pinterest


Source: pinterest

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