"Double Cat - Multiply Purrfection" Gallery For Lonely (Or Not) People
They say, "two heads are better than one", but does this quote apply to the feline world? If you live in a small apartment and don't have many rooms for more than one furball, we totally agree that one purry baby is heavenly enough. In addition, felines are territory living creatures, which means sharing one's space with another strange cat can be stressful and uncomfortable.
Nonetheless, felines possible to co-resident with each other. Some cat people are luckier to be able to welcome a couple of cats in their houses. Taking care of two cats or more at the same time sounds challenging at first. Still, after a while, these cat parents find it worthwhile to have meowing bosses sitting on their faces every morning.
What is it like to have cats that gang up against their hooman? Is it easy to calm them when they're fighting? Look at these funny pics, and you'll understand!
Nonetheless, felines possible to co-resident with each other. Some cat people are luckier to be able to welcome a couple of cats in their houses. Taking care of two cats or more at the same time sounds challenging at first. Still, after a while, these cat parents find it worthwhile to have meowing bosses sitting on their faces every morning.
What is it like to have cats that gang up against their hooman? Is it easy to calm them when they're fighting? Look at these funny pics, and you'll understand!
#1. The best part of coming home is getting greeted by the door
Source: u/escapevel0city
#2. "My husband plays this game he calls “king of the cats” where he tries to hold all 3 of our boys at once… today he was successful"
Source: u/kittygirl_444
#3. The vet is so scary
Source: drenniks
#4. The committee against vacuum cleaners
Source: reddit
#5. "For my baby's first birthday, we reunited her with her litter mates..."
Source: u/uncreativusrnme
#6. "Hey guys me and my Dad got cats named king tut and Ramsey (that’s all lol)"
Source: u/jyslil
#7. "My argument for a 4th cat. We have 4 corners to the bed."
Source: u/ComicPlatypus
#8. This is what cat engagement photos would look like.
Source: boopyouonthenose
#9. "My BIL went to adopt a cat. He came home with two cats because the shelter said they’re a “bonded pair”
Source: u/JMyers666
#10. After a long and tiring day
Source: yourfavouritemoo
#11. PsBattle: Two cats licking glass door
Source: v78
#12. "Went to the shelter to look at a cat... came home with these two little rascals"
Source: u/Baron_Wismann
#13. "Found a surprise at my home main entrance when I woke up in the morning"
Source: u/jordan407sd
#14. "Baby, don't leave me!"
Source: reddit
#15. "You weren't supposed to be home till 5 pm Karen"
Source: icant-chooseone
#16. A fluffy meeting in the garden (Ron, Harry, and Hermione)
Source: u/Devael88
#17. Purrfect fit
Source: FlaminKeane
#18. "Mom, when do you get home?"
Source: u/SlowLizzie
#19. They're struggling in the heat.
Source: u/GarretJaxx
#20. Sound of a can opening
Source: highchou
#21. These cats love their ramen beds
Source: sickmorty
#22. "Got a second cat to keep the first one company while we were gone. This is the result..."
Source: Ayoostun
#23. I bought my cats child-sized camp chairs.
Source: mxs4235
#24. Everybody is Kung Fu fighting, these cats are fast as lightning
Source: hackerdaily
#25. Squirrel watching position
Source: meowzersparkles
#26. I think they are starting to get along.
Source: RoboticHam
#27. Tried to capture a moment of friendship and peace...
Source: reddit
#28. "Came home after two days, nobody welcoming me at the door. Found them."
Source: u/MakeMeYourVillain_
#29. "I’m trying to eat my breadsticks."
Source: u/Lonelinzkilz01
#30. Does anybody else feel this way?
Source: u/Acceptable-World-623
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