Dog Abandoned At Vet Just Because ‘He Barked’ Is Saved In Time And Now Receives Life He Deserves
Raising a pet requires more than just love and care; it demands patience too. Picture it - your new furry friend is like an innocent baby, stepping into your world with no prior knowledge. They're unfamiliar with you and your surroundings, making it challenging for them to adapt immediately. Time becomes the key factor, and understanding this is crucial.
However, not all adopters comprehend this reality. Some expect immediate bonding and affection from their new companions. And when their expectations aren't met, they may hastily abandon these helpless animals. One little dog experienced this heartbreaking situation recently. Thankfully, a shelter extended a helping hand just in time, providing hope amidst the despair. Without their support, this puppy's life might have been at risk.
However, not all adopters comprehend this reality. Some expect immediate bonding and affection from their new companions. And when their expectations aren't met, they may hastily abandon these helpless animals. One little dog experienced this heartbreaking situation recently. Thankfully, a shelter extended a helping hand just in time, providing hope amidst the despair. Without their support, this puppy's life might have been at risk.
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
One fateful day, Lucie's Animal Rescue received a distressing call from someone eager to surrender their dog. As always, Lucie Holmes, the rescue's founder, handled the situation with care and concern. Right away, the owner claimed that the dog's barking issues were the reason for surrender.
“His owner asked me to take him [because] ‘he barked at other dogs and people when out’ and he needed to go,” Holmes told The Dodo, an animal channel.
“His owner asked me to take him [because] ‘he barked at other dogs and people when out’ and he needed to go,” Holmes told The Dodo, an animal channel.
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
However, as Holmes asked more about the situation, it turned out that it was only because the puppy had received no training to overcome these challenges. “I asked a few questions, such as what training has he had to help him overcome these issues, and she replied, ‘He’s had none.’ I explained that I was full and that I would be in touch when I had room for him,” shared Holmes.
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
The dog had only been with his family for five weeks, and Holmes hoped they could work out their problems. Instead, she received a call that completely shocked her.
“[Two and a half] hours later, I received a call from a local vet to say the dog had been taken in to be euthanized,” Holmes said. “Thankfully, the vets refused. I then contacted the owner again and said I’d shuffle things around and somehow fit him in. There was no need for his life to end just because he needed some time and training.”
“[Two and a half] hours later, I received a call from a local vet to say the dog had been taken in to be euthanized,” Holmes said. “Thankfully, the vets refused. I then contacted the owner again and said I’d shuffle things around and somehow fit him in. There was no need for his life to end just because he needed some time and training.”
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
Immediately, Holmes made room for the dog, Marcus, despite already having too many rescues, in order to protect his life. Marcus was a little uneasy when he first moved into his new temporary residence, but it did not take him long to begin experiencing the love he had been missing.
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
“He came to us very scared and nervous, but within an hour was playing with the other dogs here and my children and settling in well,” Holmes said. “Five days in … and still no barking!”
All Marcus needed was a chance, and he now has that chance to truly succeed. “He’s currently under assessment, but we’ve had lots of applications for him so will hopefully find him the best forever home,” Holmes shared.
All Marcus needed was a chance, and he now has that chance to truly succeed. “He’s currently under assessment, but we’ve had lots of applications for him so will hopefully find him the best forever home,” Holmes shared.
Source: Lucie's Animal Rescue
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