45 Beautiful Exotic Birds You Won't Believe Actually Exist On Our Planet
There are many spectacular bird photos and videos out there in cyberspace. Today, we've collected some to introduce to you the significance of exotic birds that burn our retinas with their bright enchantress.
There is no best, only better. As long as we respect their environments and preserve their diversity, they are to admire and mend our souls. Let's cut the chitchat and start the expenditure!
#1. Amazonian royal flycatcher
Source: internet
#2. Blue-footed booby
Source: internet
#3. Eurasian blue tit
Source: internet
#4. Scarlet ibis
Source: internet
#5. Red-cheeked cordon-bleu
Source: internet
#6. Tufted croquette
Source: internet
#7. Kagu
Source: internet
#8. Southern carmine bee-eater
Source: internet
#9. Coquerel’s coua
Source: internet
#10. Himalayan monal
Source: internet
#11. Temminck’s tragopan
Source: internet
#12. Paradise tanager
Source: internet
#13. Long-tailed mountain lady
Source: internet
#14. Rufous-bellied kookaburra
Source: internet
#15. Kakapo
Source: internet
#16. Schalow’s turaco
Source: internet
#17. Mountain Bluebird
Source: santisoukp
#18. Blue Crowned Pigeon
Source: internet
#19. Secretary Bird
Source: reddit
#20. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Source: The Virginia Zoo
#21. Grandala
Source: adityaa_chavan
#22. Strawberry Finch
Source: reddit
#23. Nicobar Pigeon
Source: Sue Demetriou
#24. Dracula Parrot
Source: Mike Peel
#25. South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher
Source: migueldavid.deleon
#26. Tilhi
Source: wallmika
#27. Quetzal
Source: Vaclav Sebek
#28. Sword-Billed Hummingbird
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#29. Golden Pheasant
Source: joinus12345
#30. Cock-Of-The-Rock
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#31. Gorgeted Sunangel
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#32. Velvet Purple Coronet
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#33. Turquoise Jay
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#34. Crimson-Rumped Toucanet
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#35. Empress Brilliant
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#36. Masked Trogon
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#37. Taiwan Blue Magpie
Source: joinus12345
#38. Rosefinch
Source: birddetective
#39. Plumbeous Water Redstart
Source: joinus12345
#40. Painted Bunting
Source: texas_pixels
#41. Japanese White-Eye
Source: joinus12345
#42. Festive Coquette
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#43. Little Egret
Source: joinus12345
#44. Crimson-Mantled Woodpecker
Source: Supreet Sahoo
#45. Flame Faced Tanager
Source: Supreet Sahoo
However, due to their hypnotizing, colorful characteristics, these feathered guys are endangered by aviculture. It will be helpful if you and others raise more awareness about protecting them. So, please hit the like-share button and comment below to help spread the message! We're thankful for your support and would love to meet you again in our other posts!