
20 So-Bad Home Renovations That You Couldn’t Make Them Up If You Tried

After saving money, you are finally ready to improve your business or home facilities. Depending on the project, some are simple and others harder. Regardless, it is rewarding as finished. Like most people, you probably have a vision of what the completed project will look like. However, sometimes, even the best-laid plans fall short of expectations.
Unluckily, there are times when both professionals and people who do renovations themselves mess up. As these 20 photos show, failure is not all that uncommon. If you are planning to work on your house or business, perhaps these bad home renovations will help you avoid mistakes. Otherwise, they will definitely make you laugh.

#1. That’s fun

Source: aqnkyg

#2. So close

Source: debochavel

#3. Can you guess what it is?

Source: apd16s

#4. Apartments for rent

Source: imgur

#5. It’s so quaint

Source: agentsmith

#6. There’s a remedy for everything

Source: hotraymond

#7. Last-minute addition

Source: fkbxjx

#8. That’s where it goes

Source: pikabu

#9. It's okay, we can make this work. No one will noti....

Source: aoxpq1

#10. Fancy mirror

Source: NobodyEpic

#11. Something went wrong...

Source: hotraymond

#12. Shake, baby, shake

Source: pikabu

#13. Privacy at its best

Source: caakag

#14. Peek-a-boo

Source: as0epl

#15. Lazy or rude?

Source: arw5zj

#16. This is a joke, right?

Source: greaseball1987

#17. Haizzz, multiple failures

Source: greaseball1988

#18. How to use this?

Source: greaseball1989

#19. Nice view

Source: greaseball1990

#20. Hmmmmm

Source: greaseball1991

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