Who Is John Michael Sosa From Big Brother Canada 11? Is He Getting Evicted?

Sunny Anderson

Who is John Michael Sosa from Big Brother Canada 11? Hello! If you're a fan of Big Brother Canada 11 and wondering about John Michael's fate in the show, it looks like he's in a tough spot. After starting the week off strong, he made enemies by revealing his plans to target the men's alliance if he won HoH. This led to Santina, who he had bonded with earlier, turning on him and working to backdoor him once she became HoH.
At this point, it's unclear if there's any other scenario at play that could save John Michael from eviction. However, as with any reality TV show, anything could happen! For those who may not be familiar with John Michael, he's a contestant on Big Brother Canada 11. Keep tuning in to see how the drama unfolds!
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#1. Who Is John Michael Sosa From Big Brother Canada 11?

Source: Big Brother Network

Hey there, big fans of Big Brother Canada, you might be interested in learning more about one of the houseguests, John Michael Sosa. He's a project manager, gamer, and reality TV personality from Bradford, Ontario, Canada.
John Michael has been making waves on the show, and his strategic gameplay has caught the attention of viewers. He's known for his competitive nature, but he masks it with a charming and unassuming demeanor. It'll be interesting to see how far he goes in the game and if he can outwit his fellow houseguests. Stay tuned for more updates on John Michael and the rest of the Big Brother Canada 11 cast!
John Michael Sosa is a contestant on the eleventh season of Big Brother Canada. He believes that he was selected for the show and is ready to share who he is in the best TV social experiment. His strategy for the game is to charm his way to the finish line while staying out of the crosshairs and recognizing where the power shifts every week. He shared: "I feel like I was selected for BBCAN11 because I’ve never been so sure of who I am in life and I’m ready to share that with Canada in the best social experiment on TV." 
Other facts about John Michael Sosa:
  • He was born in 1994 in Canada. Now he is 29 years old.
  • He is openly gay. He feels happy to be single.
  • His Zodiac is Aries.
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#2. Is John Michael Getting Evicted On March 16, 2023?

Who Is John Michael Sosa From Big Brother Canada 11Source: Us Weekly

There are a lot of discussions and strategizing going on as the houseguests prepare for the next eviction. Dan is campaigning for Daniel, but JM is trying to win over the women and maybe even Hope to secure his spot in the house. Kuzie is also working on her own game and discussing ways to keep JM in the game to benefit herself. Meanwhile, the women are discussing the possibility of using JM to go after the men. However, Hope and Rob are starting to suspect that the women may be working together. It's definitely an intense and exciting time in the house as alliances are formed and broken and everyone tries to stay in the game.
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Tensions are rising in the house as alliances are being formed and rumors are spreading. Hope shares her suspicions with Daniel about the women working together but later denies it when Ty asks her. However, Ty tells Zach about Claudia's close relationships with Renee and Shanaya, which may become a problem. JM is also trying to rally the women to not let the men run the game and to form their own alliance, possibly called the Savage Sisters. It's clear that everyone is strategizing and trying to secure their spot in the house as the next eviction approaches. It will be interesting to see how these alliances and rumors play out in the coming days!
Who will be the first one to be sent home: Renee, John Michael, or Dan?
During the first week of BBCAN11, the houseguests voted to evict either Renee, John Michael, or Dan. In the end, John Michael was evicted by a unanimous vote of 11-0. JM expressed his disappointment and named Ty, Rob, Zach, and Santina as the ones who hurt him the most. Arisa Cox revealed to JM that he was right about the existence of an all-male alliance in the house.
  • Anika voted to evict John Michael.
  • Claudia voted to evict John Michael.
  • Daniel voted to evict John Michael.
  • Hope voted to evict John Michael.
  • Jonathan voted to evict John Michael.
  • Kuzie voted to evict John Michael.
  • Rob voted to evict John Michael.
  • Shanaya voted to evict John Michael.
  • Ty voted to evict John Michael.
  • Vanessa voted to evict John Michael.
  • Zach voted to evict John Michael.
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