Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair: More than A Friendship?

Sunny Anderson

Netflix's Wednesday is proving to be a smash hit among fans, with the fan-favorite Addams daughter trending at #1 on the streaming service. Wednesday is even destroying Stranger Things' audience record, having clocked in 341 million hours of views in just one week. With such a high viewing record in a significantly short timeframe, it really does beg the question of what is it about this latest foray into The Addams Family franchise that's strongly resonating with fans. 
Another aspect of the show that's proving highly successful with fans is the well-written friendship between Wednesday and her werewolf roommate, Enid Sinclair. Fans of Netflix's Wednesday also responded positively to the friendship between Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair, but are they relationship material?

1. How did Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair meet? 

Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair wednesday and enid friendship, <br/>wednesday and enidSource: cbr
Enid Sinclair is introduced in Wednesday’s opening episode when the titular Addams is first brought to Nevermore Academy. She is Wednesday’s roommate and the two could not be more different. Enid is a werewolf from San Francisco and has brought the Californian sunshine with her to Nevermore as she is extremely bright, bubbly and optimistic, very much the opposite of the cynical and emotionless Wednesday.
However, Enid does have several worries weighing her down as she has been unable to wolf out and transform into a werewolf and also faces pressures from her parents. While there are immediate tensions between Enid and Wednesday as their different personalities clash, a strong bond begins to form between the pair as the series progresses.
Read more: Who Is Enid Sinclair in 'Wednesday'? 5 Secrets You Don’t Know About Her

2. Wednesday & Enid's Personalities Are Perfectly Black And Pink.

Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair wednesday and enid friendship, <br/>wednesday and enidSource: Norinin
Some of Wednesday's defining character traits in the Netflix series include a fierce introverted personality with a strong preference for solitary activities like writing and playing cello. Ortega's Wednesday is also emotionally frosty, which renders her insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. She's also very sharp-edged in the way she expresses her thoughts, often with little regard for how her words impact other people. When she obsesses over the unusual incidents that happen near her school, Wednesday is not beyond violating other people's personal boundaries and invading their private spaces to seek the answers she wants.

When it comes to Enid, her personality occupies the polar end of the spectrum of Wednesday's personality. Unlike her gothic roommate, Enid is actually warm and welcoming, effectively establishing her as extroverted. In addition to having a highly energetic personality, Enid is very respectful of other people's boundaries and never hesitates to assert her own when they've been trampled on. Enid also has a very strong moral compass and never hesitates to call out Wednesday's toxic behavior, especially when the latter crosses a line. This aspect of her character most notably comes through after Wednesday manipulates her into helping her break into the Gates mansion, which ends up endangering her life. Despite Enid expressing being hurt by her actions, Wednesday never validates those feelings and instead dismisses them.

3. Wednesday & Enid Have Opposing Interests and Values

Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair wednesday and enid friendship, <br/>wednesday and enidSource: Screen Rant
Wednesday and Enid's incompatible interests and values accentuate their personality differences even more. This includes how they value relationships, which is another major distinction between them. Enid's extroverted personality leads her to prefer social gatherings, such as participating in school events such as the Poe Cup race and making new friends. Enid not only has a more positive outlook on relationships, but she also values emotional intimacy. This includes feeling at ease expressing her emotions and seeking comfort when she is stressed, scared, or traumatized. She's also good at holding others accountable for their actions without causing them harm.
Wednesday is unfortunately not Enid's equal on any of these fronts. Given Wednesday's misanthropic inclinations, she tends to view relationships as a liability to her goals. Far from being comfortable with emotional intimacy, she keeps others at arm's length and is dismissive of her friends' concerns and feelings. She's also shown to manipulate her friends as a means to an end, with no consultation from them whatsoever. Furthermore, she delights in harming and torturing others, which is not a trait the other Nevermore students are comfortable with.

4. Wednesday & Enid Would Have 'Opposites Attract' To Each Other-More Than Friendship?

Wednesday Addams & Enid SinclairSource: Twitter

 With all of the differences between Wednesday and Enid as characters, there's little chance of a healthy romantic relationship developing between them. At best, Wednesday's brazen disregard for authority has taught Enid to stand up to her oppressive mother, and Enid has taught Wednesday to be more mindful of how her actions affect others. That's still not a strong enough foundation for a romantic relationship, especially if one or both characters are drastically altered to accommodate the "opposites attract" romance trope.

Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair wednesday and enid friendship, <br/>wednesday and enidSource: Twitter
Fulfilling the "opposites attract" trope does more than send a wrong message about what compromise and compatibility in a healthy relationship actually looks like. In this case, Enid would have to sacrifice her personal values, interests and some aspects of her personality to accommodate Wednesday's misanthropic nature, and Wednesday would similarly have to soften her edge to be the kind of romantic partner Enid actually needs. 
While Enid could easily be developed as a bisexual character without compromising her existing character development (especially with how strongly queer-coded it is), Wednesday makes more sense as an aroace character (or at least demisexual) given her lack of interest in romance . is a website that provides you with Entertainment updates and creative ideas to brighten your day. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to know more about updated celebrity and entertainment news.