Father Demands His Son's Teacher Speak To Him Instead Of His Girlfriend During Parent-Teacher Conference

Leona Martinez

Meet Mark, a single dad (OP) who won the custody battle and gained the right to take care of his son, Nathan. The OP has been dating a caring girl who has built a strong relationship with his son, as she has helped him significantly improve his English.

So recently, his son asked the OP if his girlfriend could come with him to the parent-teacher conference because she plays a crucial role in Nathan's progress. And, of course, the father said yes.

However, things got a bit tricky as the teacher at the conference kept speaking only to the OP's girlfriend while he was the child's parent, not her. The OP then demanded the teacher speak to him instead of his girlfriend. Did this single dad overreact? Keep reading as the story unfolds.

Father Demands His Son's Teacher Speak To Him Instead Of His Girlfriend Source: livelymindstutoring.com (not the actual photo)

Let's dig into the details:

throwaway192929197's storySource: throwaway192929197

OP is the sole parent of his son, so he removed his mother's details from the school system

OP's girlfriend has been invited by his son to attend the parent-teacher conference for the first time

During the parent-teacher meeting, the teacher consistently spoke only to the OP's girlfriend, so he requested her to address him directly

OP's brother-in-law believes the OP overreacted during the parent-teacher meeting

OP faces criticism from the brother-in-law during Christmas for his reaction to the teacher's behavior

The OP is not in the wrong because the teacher overlooked the fact that he is a sole parent

The teacher should address the OP as the parent since he has custody and his girlfriend isn't the child's mother

"He’s your son"

Source: LividAllie

"It was a valid demand"

"It was a valid demand" Source: SamspayedPI

The teacher and OP's brother-in-law were wrong

The reminder given to the teacher was not rud

The reminder given to the teacher was not rud Source: Unusual_Variant

The best way to address the teacher's behavior might be when the girlfriend and son are not present

The best way to address the teacher's behavior might be when the girlfriend and son are not present Source: hoarder59

The OP has the right to be addressed directly as the parent

The OP has the right to be addressed directly as the parent Source: MissBuck2DNP

What do you think about the dad asking the teacher to talk to him instead of his girlfriend? Have you ever been in a similar situation during parent-teacher meetings? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!