Man Decides To Take Sides With His Pregnant Wife Over His Mom

Jonathan Hayda

Another drama worth sharing on the subreddit r/AmIthe*sshole that got us surprised.
So, OP's got a pregnant wife who's not having an easy time. Mom's birthday is around the corner, and she wants to go to a seafood place. Problem is, it's far away, and the wife can't handle long car rides and can't eat much on the menu.

OP tries to explain this to Mom and suggests picking a closer place with a different type of food. Mom isn't having it, insists on seafood, and says the pregnant wife can just stay home. OP tries to reason, but Mom gets upset, saying it's her birthday and not about the wife.

OP stands his ground, saying the wife comes first, and now the whole family is mad at OP. It's a birthday dinner dilemma with some family drama thrown in.

Here's the full story

Setting the context

Why OP's mom be like that

I'd do the same

You're not really an A Hole, you're just unlucky caught in this drama

Could be one of those husband's mom and his wife drama

Could be one of those husband's mom and his wife drama Source: Reddit

OH dear, I feel bad for you OP

Well not all think that OP is the AH

Well not all think that OP is the AH Source: iamnoking

Come on guys, she's pregnant

Come on guys, she's pregnant Source: fatbellylouise

See, this lady knows how hard it is

See, this lady knows how hard it is Source: Trilobyte141

Not at all

Not at all Source: Trilobyte141

OP could be a little bit flexible

OP could be a little bit flexible Source: spunkyfuzzguts

Simple solution

Simple solution Source: spunkyfuzzguts


Slightly Source: MandyVeronica

Did you read the whole thing?

Did you read the whole thing? Source: Reddit

When you wanna be nice to someone and it backfires

Next time, OP should be careful

Next time, OP should be careful Source: BellesBooks

Things could have been dealt differently

Things could have been dealt differently Source: BellesBooks

But, maybe OP's overreacts

But, maybe OP's overreacts Source: DottedUnicorn
So what do you guys think? Is OP TA for taking side with his wife over his mom? Drop your comments below.