Thrifty Husband Lowers His Wife's Expectations Over Many Years, Gets Embarrassed After Asking The Cost Of His Stepson's Handmade Gift

Leona Martinez

On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, the Redditor (OP) shared a story about how a homemade early birthday gift leads to a clash between her son and her husband.

In the post, the OP detailed that she didn't expect a birthday gift from her husband on her birthday as he is very thrifty. Surprisingly, on that day, her son and his friend surprised her with a handmade gift. The husband, instead of praising his stepson's filial piety, asked for the price of that gift.

The OP's son immediately responded, "It's truly none of your business what I do with my money, and since you outright refuse to buy my mother nice things that she absolutely deserves, I will make sure she gets something nice. And for the record, we made this ourselves. Didn't cost us anything."

Scroll down to read the entire story!

Thrifty Husband Lowers His Wife's Expectations Over Many Years Source: (not the actual photo)

OP married her husband Jeremy

OP married her husband JeremySource: Professional_Art3411

The OP's birthday was approaching, but she didn't expect to receive a gift from her husband

Her husband is very thrifty

On the OP's birthday, her son and his friends surprised her with a beautiful wall piece as an early birthday gift

OP's son confronted his step dad for questioning the gift's cost

It's inappropriate for the husband to ask about the gift's cost

It's inappropriate for the husband to ask about the gift's cost Source: body_by_art

The son is a wonderful kid

The son is a wonderful kid Source: panda174-

"His friends obviously care a out her too"

"His friends obviously care a out her too" Source: ZippyKat85

The son's friends' caring gesture is heartwarming

The husband should be embarrassed for his behavior

The husband should be embarrassed for his behavior Source: Scumbucket22

Commenter commends the son for standing up for the OP in response to the husband's nosy reaction

Commenter commends the son for standing up for the OP in response to the husband's nosy reaction Source: mak-ina-myn

The husband got "wrecked"

The husband got "wrecked" Source: InterwebHero20

You're raising a very nice young man

Commenter criticizes the husband for prioritizing money over relationships

Commenter criticizes the husband for prioritizing money over relationships Source: Kiruna235

He had to face consequences

He had to face consequences Source: urson_black

He is an adult but he acts like a baby


Exactly Source: cadmium2093

What are your thoughts on the situation? Do you believe thoughtful gestures hold more value than practicality in gift-giving? Have you encountered similar dynamics in your own relationships, and how did you navigate them? Share your opinions and experiences below – let's start a conversation!