Reddit User Agrees To Let Sister-In-Law And Her Three Kids Stay Temporarily, But After A Year, Wants Them To Move Out

Leona Martinez

On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, Redditor u/krose_7137 recently shared that she faced a tough time living with their sister-in-law and her three kids.

She detailed that when her partner's sister had some financial issues and ended up having no place to go, the OP and her partner agreed to let the sister-in-law and her three kids stay at their house temporarily.

But you know what? This kind gesture turned into a year-long struggle with blurred boundaries and growing frustrations. The sister-in-law didn't contribute to bills and often left the house messy, which irritated the OP and her partner. Moreover, times passed, but the sister-in-law still stayed unemployed, and she didn't even want to move out.

Things got even messier when the sister-in-law allied with the biological mom of the OP's stepson to break up the OP and her partner. What do you think about what the sister-in-law did to the OP? Scroll down to read the entire story. Also, share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Redditor wants sil and her kids to move out of her house Source: (not the actual photo)

Let's dig into the details:

krose_7137's story

Source: krose_7137

When the boyfriend's sister faced financial difficulties, the OP offered her and her 3 kids a place to stay until they find their own

When the boyfriend's sister faced financial difficulties, the OP offered her and her 3 kids a place to stay Source: krose_7137

Times passed and the sister-in-law remained unemployed. She didn't even contribute to bills, and left the house messy

The sister-in-law remained unemployed Source: krose_7137

The OP compiled a list of available houses for lease, but the sister-in-law showed little interest in moving out

The OP compiled a list of available houses for lease, but the sister-in-law showed little interest in moving out Source: krose_7137

The OP found that her sister-in-law was scheming with the stepson's biological mother to break up her and her partner

her sister-in-law was scheming with the stepson's biological mother Source: krose_7137

Just to make some facts clear, the OP added some edits

Just to make some facts clear, the OP added some edits Source: krose_7137

The OP is not in the wrong

The OP is not in the wrong Source: goforbroke432

The OP should immediately pack their belongings, and escort them out; if needed, change locks, and be prepared to involve the police

Putting your own needs first is crucial

The OP should install a lock on their bedroom door and keep it locked

Protect valuables by moving the TV or changing passwords, and on the move-out day, have a locksmith upgrade and change the locks

The OP should invite friends on moving day for added witnesses, protection, and assistance with packing

This Redditor also shares a personal experience

The sister-in-law is taking advantage of the OP and her partner

The sister-in-law is taking advantage of the OP and her partner Source: SilverEyedFreak

The OP is not wrong

The OP is not wrong Source: OrcEight

Have you ever faced a situation where a family member overstayed their welcome? How did you handle it, and what advice would you share with others in similar predicaments? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!