Woman Kept Being Called The Wrong Name By Her In-Laws No Matter How Many Times She Corrected It

Jonathan Hayda

There are just crazy stories only from r/AmIthe*sshole.

OP finds herself in an ongoing situation where her in-laws persistently refer to her by the wrong name, Katherine, despite her correcting them multiple times.

Despite a previous break and discussions about this issue, the in-laws continue to introduce her as Katherine. At a birthday party, when friends approached OP using the incorrect name, she decided to handle it humorously, playing along and attributing it to her mother-in-law's forgetfulness.

Later, when addressing her in-laws about the persistent issue, OP asserted that they should stop telling people her name is Katherine and emphasized the importance of accepting her actual name.

Her husband supported her stance, acknowledging that the in-laws should have listened. The in-laws, however, accused OP of rudeness and trying to embarrass them in front of friends.

Let's see Reddit's verdict!

Let's See How This Romcom Turns Out To Be

That's Just Ridiculous

Being Joyful Helps

That's Just Crazy

No You're Not This Is So Weird

I Don't Think There Are People Who Think That You're TA, OP!

It Is

It Is Source: Trini1113

Do This OP

Do This OP Source: CaeruleanSea

Not Much Needed To Say

Not Much Needed To Say Source: stilnotthatgirl

Not That Complicated

If Only OP Meets These People

If Only OP Meets These People Source: NaviCato

They're Fom Mars

They're Fom Mars Source: TellmeTom2

It's Payback Time OP

It Could Be

It Could Be Source: Mrs_Naive_

When It Comes To Conspiracy Reddit Knows It Best

When It Comes To Conspiracy Reddit Knows It Best Source: aitchbee

Passive Aggressive Power Play

Passive Aggressive Power Play Source: taketheredleaf

Silver Lining For You OP

Sad That Strangers Act More Civil Than Family

So It's Not The First Time

What do you guys think? This is so ridiculous. Give us your two cents on this topic.