Ready For This Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning Explained: Serenading A Hannible-ish Town!

Daniel Figaro

Hazbin Hotel is a popular animated web series that follows the adventures of Charlie, the princess of Hell, who tries to redeem sinners by opening a hotel. The show is full of dark humor, colorful characters, and catchy songs. 

One of the songs that stands out is “Ready for This”, performed by the cast in the seventh episode, "Hello Rosie!". The song is a musical introduction to the main characters and their personalities, as well as a preview of the plot and the conflicts that will arise. The song also conveys some deeper meanings and messages about redemption, hope, and change.

But what exactly are the lyrics of “Ready for This” saying? How do they relate to the show and its themes? And what can we learn from them? In this blog post, we will explain 'Ready For This' Hazbin Hotel lyrics meaning, and explain their meaning and significance. Let’s get ready for this!

Key takeaways:

  • "Ready for This" serves as a rallying cry in "Hazbin Hotel," with Charlie using her musical talents to unite demons against Heaven's angels, symbolizing her leadership and the theme of redemption.
  • The song's lyrics, filled with dark humor and determination, reflect the characters' readiness to defend their home, while also exploring themes of hope, change, and the complexities of leadership in Hell.
  • Through a blend of catchy melodies and meaningful lyrics, "Ready for This" encapsulates the essence of "Hazbin Hotel," highlighting the journey of its characters towards redemption amidst their darkly comedic world.

'Ready For This' Context: Rallying The Cannibal Town For A Stance Against Heaven Exorcists

In the animated series Hazbin Hotel, music plays a vital role in conveying emotions and driving the plot forward. One such impactful song is "Ready For This." This song holds a special place in the narrative as it serves the purpose of rallying demons for a crucial mission.

Charlie Morningstar, the protagonist voiced by Erika Henningsen, faces the daunting task of preparing for an impending conflict against Heaven's angels. The song "Ready For This" emerges as a beacon of hope and determination. Charlie uses her musical talents to unite demons, instilling confidence in them to join her cause. This song symbolizes her transformation into a leader, ready to defend the Hazbin Hotel and its inhabitants from heavenly threats.

Now, let's delve deeper into the lyrics to uncover the rich meaning they carry in this pivotal moment of the show.

1st Verse Explained:

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning 1st Verse Explained:


Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind

That you could taste it?

[SUSAN, spoken]

You mean like human flesh?

[CHARLIE, spoken]

Eugh, sort of


It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut

That you could finally be faced with

A billion needy faces

I guess what I mean to say is

For the first time in my life

I might have to be ready for this

Ready to be the one who's leading from the front

Gotta come into my own

Gotta come into my throne

Gotta take charge and defend my only home

And although I kinda feel unsteady

Now I need to be ready for this

In the first verse of "Ready For This," Charlie Morningstar, voiced by Erika Henningsen, expresses an intense desire. She vividly describes the feeling of longing for something so profoundly that it's almost tangible. It's a desire so strong that you can almost taste it.

However, the exchange between Charlie and Susan introduces a touch of dark humor, as Susan's comment about human flesh adds a quirky twist to the conversation. Susan, a resident of Cannibal Town, infuses the discussion with a dark Hannibal vibe, creating a unique and somewhat unsettling atmosphere.

As the verse continues, Charlie describes this desire as a rumbling sensation deep in her gut. It's as if she's on the brink of a monumental opportunity, one that could affect countless lives. The mention of "a billion needy faces" implies the weight of responsibility she feels, as if the fate of many depends on her actions.

Charlie conveys a sense of readiness, emphasizing that this is the first time in her life she might need to step up and lead from the front. She's determined to come into her own, claiming her throne and taking charge of defending her only home, the Hazbin Hotel. Despite feeling somewhat uncertain, she recognizes the necessity of being prepared for this pivotal moment.

This verse sets the stage for Charlie's transformation into a leader, a theme that runs throughout the song. It showcases her growth and the newfound sense of responsibility she embraces as she faces the challenges ahead in the eerie and intriguing world of Hazbin Hotel.

2nd Verse Explained

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning 2nd Verse Explained


Have you ever felt like you're willing to die

To save the people of your city?

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[SUSAN, spoken]

By die, do you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart?

[CHARLIE, spoken]

That's a start!


'Cause right now we need a leader

And it seems to me that destiny has picked me

To be that, if you'll permit me

So who's with me!


Wouldn't it be super to see more of Hell?

Join up now if you like travel

Come on boys, hop in the saddle!

Lot of sights to see en route to my hotel

Not the mention the camaraderie

Yes siree, you'll form life-changing friendships

With the folks along the way


And feast on all the angels you can eat



In the second verse of "Ready For This," Charlie Morningstar delves deeper into her unwavering commitment. She questions if anyone has ever felt so resolute about a cause that they'd be willing to sacrifice their own life to save the people of their city.

Susan, a resident of Cannibal Town with her unique perspective, once again injects dark humor into the conversation by suggesting the gruesome act of using teeth to rip flesh apart.

Unfazed by the macabre humor, Charlie embraces the darkly humorous tone and continues singing. She passionately declares the pressing need for a leader and firmly believes that destiny has singled her out for this pivotal role. With determination in her voice, Charlie extends an invitation to those around her, asking, "So who's with me?"

Charlie paints a vivid picture of the journey ahead, portraying it as an exhilarating adventure through Hell. She entices others to join her, emphasizing the allure of travel and the promise of unique experiences along the way. She even hints at the camaraderie and life-changing friendships that can be forged, all while maintaining the quirky tone of the conversation.

However, it's Alastor who gives the final push for the citizens of Cannibal Town to join in. With his charismatic flair, he adds an unexpected twist by mentioning feasting on angels, using his "angel wing bit" to entice them further. Charlie's slightly hesitant response adds a touch of apprehension to the otherwise enthusiastic narrative. This verse encapsulates the intriguing blend of dark humor and adventurous spirit present in the world of Hazbin Hotel.

1st Chorus Explained

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning 1st Chorus Explained

[CANNIBALS, spoken]

Free food? I'm in! Oh, cool! Woah, food!


It's time now to act

They're on the attack

When they move to strike

We will fight, biting back

We'll follow your lead

We're eager to feed

We'll sharpen our teeth for the heavenly feast

From this moment on, you can count on us

To be resolute and ravenous

Our appetites are whet and we're set to seize the day

So I say, oh hey, come join the flesh buffet


Well, that's a little violent, can we tone it down?


Oh, don't be put off by their snarling

That's enthusiasm, darling!


Uh, they just seem a little murdery right now


Don't worry honey, that's their thing

Keep singing

The chorus of "Ready For This" in Hazbin Hotel is a lively and spirited moment in the song. As the Cannibals from Cannibal Town join in, their excitement is palpable.

In spoken lines, they eagerly express their enthusiasm for the prospect of free food, showcasing their quirky personalities. The sung part of the chorus is a rallying cry, emphasizing that it's time to take action as they face an impending attack. The Cannibals are ready to fight back and sharpen their teeth for a heavenly feast.

Charlie, with her more compassionate nature, interjects, expressing concern about the violent tone of the lyrics. Rosie, the Overlord and ruler of Cannibal Town, reassures Charlie that the snarling and enthusiasm from the Cannibals are just part of their unique charm. Rosie, who understands that Charlie's words are working, encourages her to keep singing.

This chorus not only captures the dynamic and diverse personalities of the characters in Hazbin Hotel but also highlights Rosie's role as the ruler of Cannibal Town, reinforcing the impact of Charlie's words on the residents. It adds depth to the song's narrative and showcases the intriguing dynamics within the show. Note though: The citizens are a lot more attracted to the appeal og... eating an angel than Charlie's passionate pacifistic cry for war.

3rd Verse Explained

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning 3rd Verse Explained


We're super duper grateful to have you folks aboard


We can't wait to taste an angel's wings!


Oh lord...

For the first time in my life

Maybe I can be ready for this

I can be the marshal leading the parade

I can come into my own

And I think I've always known

My destiny could never be postponed

When Adam brings the battle here

I must appear like I'm ready for this

In the third verse of "Ready For This," Charlie and Rosie express their gratitude to the Cannibals for joining their cause. Their appreciation for the Cannibals' willingness to help is evident.

The Cannibals, in their unique way, express their eagerness to taste angel's wings, once again adding a touch of dark humor to the conversation.

However, Charlie, while grateful for their support, feels a sense of dismay. She recognizes that while her words do inspire, the citizens of Hell seem more attracted to Alastor's darker and more violent bits. This unique quirk sets them apart from the other residents of Hell, adding a layer of complexity to the dynamic within Hazbin Hotel.

Nevertheless, Charlie remains determined to lead and prepare for the impending battle, acknowledging that her destiny cannot be postponed. This verse portrays Charlie's growth and determination as she navigates the challenges of inspiring the residents of Hell in her own way, even when they may have more macabre inclinations.

Bridge Explained

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning Bridge Explained


They're dancing along

They're singing her song



Why, I knew she could do it all along


She's bound to pass the test as princess of Hell

Like her daddy, she is madly power-fell


She's filled with potential that I could guide


I concur!


Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side

In the bridge of "Ready For This," Rosie and Alastor express their admiration for Charlie's success in inspiring the residents of Hell.

Rosie joyfully notes that they are dancing along and singing Charlie's song, signifying the impact of her words and leadership.

Alastor, with his characteristic confidence, reveals that he was never surprised by Charlie's ability to lead. He believed in her all along.

However, it becomes apparent that the two overlords, Rosie and Alastor, are more ambitious and power-driven than the genuinely good-hearted Charlie. They see her as a means to their ends, with Alastor hinting at his desire to guide her for his own gain. Rosie concurs, emphasizing that sticking with Charlie means being on the winning side, aligning their ambitions with her leadership.

This final verse reveals the contrasting ambitions within Hazbin Hotel, where Charlie's genuine desire to help clashes with the more self-serving motives of the overlords. It adds depth to the complex relationships in the show, highlighting the intriguing dynamics at play.

Final Chorus Explained

Hazbin Hotel Lyrics Meaning Final Chorus Explained


For the first time in our lives

We know that we are ready for this


We'll show Heaven a fight they won't forget!


It is time to take a stand


It is time to lend a hand!




Against the angels and their deadly threat


We cannot take it anymore

The time has come to go to war

Prepare to fight, we're ready for this


I really hope that I'm ready for this

In the final verse of "Ready For This," Rosie and Alastor express their admiration for Charlie's success in inspiring the residents of Hell. In the grand finale of "Ready For This," the music reaches new heights of dynamism and emotion, reflecting the overwhelming belief that the residents of Cannibal Town now have in Charlie. The song has successfully won them over to her cause.

Rosie joyfully notes that they are dancing along and singing Charlie's song, signifying the impact of her words and leadership.

Alastor, with his characteristic confidence, reveals that he was never surprised by Charlie's ability to lead. He believed in her all along.

'Ready For This' Hazbin Hotel lyrics meaning

However, it becomes apparent that the two overlords, Rosie and Alastor, are more ambitious and power-driven than the genuinely good-hearted Charlie. They see her as a means to their ends, with Alastor hinting at his desire to guide her for his own gain. Rosie concurs, emphasizing that sticking with Charlie means being on the winning side, aligning their ambitions with her leadership.

The context here is crucial. "Ready For This" was sung because Charlie needed to rally the people of Cannibal Town to fight against the impending extermination by the exorcists. The soaring crescendo of the music mirrors the rising conviction and unity among the characters. It showcases that Charlie's words and leadership have resonated deeply with the once hesitant residents, now fully committed to the cause.

Despite the triumphant and empowering music, there's a poignant moment where Charlie's doubts are subtly conveyed. In the much quieter one-liner at the end, she expresses uncertainty. This contrast between the soaring crescendo of belief and Charlie's lingering doubts adds a layer of complexity to her character, highlighting her humanity and vulnerability in the face of an enormous challenge.