What would you do if you were in the situation of this mom? On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, she shared that her son had his friends over. The next morning, she found her laptop left on the dining table with a cracked screen. The suspects? Her son and his friends are the only ones around.
She then asked her son, but he denied everything, saying they were in the basement. The mom wasn't buying it, so she dropped a bomb – no friends are allowed until someone spills the beans. Some of his friends thought what she did was too much, leaving the son red-faced.
Want to know the entire story? Keep reading!
This is how the story starts:
Source: brokenlaptopmom
OP's son had friends over, and the next morning, the OP's laptop was found damaged. Although the son denied, OP decided to ban his friends from the house until someone confessed

OP later added they didn't request their son's friends to buy a new one as they are all teenagers who don't have much money

Here's the comments of Reddit users:

The commenter agrees that anyone is frustrated at someone breaking their belongings without admitting fault

Having the son pay for repairs would be a more fitting consequence
Source: DisgruntledDiggit
It seems reasonable

A laptop can't break itself
Source: Tonka141
"Stand your ground!"

What the OP did was the right thing

The OP was not in the wrong
Source: crybabytheghost
The Redditor commends the OP for handling the situation effectively

The OP's son and his friends are too old for this

This person advises OP to stand firm on the decision
Source: HuntedJedi
Trust has been compromised with the son and his friends in the house

The son should feel embarrassed about his friend's lack of accountability rather than the OP's actions

Parenting is hard
Source: theoreticalsandmore