New Mom Takes Her Baby To Her Home Country After Her Husband Tells His Mistress That He Loves Their Baby More Than His Newborn Daughter

Leona Martinez

Life often presents us with unexpected challenges, and for one young mother, the journey into motherhood took an unforeseen and tumultuous turn.

In a recent Reddit post by a new mom called u/Mindless_Database_15 on the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, she shared that she faced a tough situation on the day of her daughter's birth. She learned of her husband's affair with their neighbor.

As the mom grappled with the shock of her husband's betrayal, she faced a heart-rending choice. When her husband continued to prioritize the neighbor and their child over their new daughter, the Redditor decided to reach out to her family in India to ask them for their opinions. And they advised her to leave her husband in the US and bring her child to her home country, India.

Scroll down to read the whole story and find out what courageous path this mother chose and how she navigated the storm and emerged with her daughter into the next chapter of their lives.

Source: Reddit

This is how the story begins:

This is how the story begins: Source: Google Images (not the actual photo)

The Redditor discovered her husband's affair with their 22-year-old neighbor, who had mental health issues

Redditor's husband left her in the hospital after their daughter's birth to attend to their neighbor

Redditor's husband informed her that he had to move out to support his emotionally fragile mistress

OP's parents in India advised her to return home

Redditor left the US with her baby

Redditor is facing criticism from some friends for leaving her husband and taking their baby to India

Here's the comments of Reddit users:

Source: assiemumma89

Most of Reddit users said that the OP was not wrong in this case, and all she did was to protect her child

Source: haaliien
Source: KatJen76
Source: Reddit User
Source: BiggggHead
Source: hayhayy923
Source: Reddit User
Source: Reddit User
Source: Reddit User
Source: Reddit User

But some said everyone in this story was wrong, both the OP and her husband

But some said everyone in this story was wrong Source: Reddit User

Some believed the OP was the jerk

Some believed the OP was the jerk Source: TellemTrav
Source: AussieBelgian
What do you think after reading her story? Do you think the OP was a jerk? Please share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment in the comment section below.