From the glorified r/AmIthe*sshole, we found a drama that has everything: divorce, money, daughter and abandonment.
OP, a divorced father, is facing a dilemma regarding the living arrangements for his two daughters. He is responsible for maintaining the mortgage andbills on the former family home until the girls turn 19. Meanwhile, he is left with the task of handling existing debts totaling $45k.
Living in the cheapest housing option available, OP cannot afford a larger place to host his daughters overnight. Despite his desire to share 50/50 childcare responsibilities, he prioritizes using the money to pay down his debts.
OP argues that securing a larger place immediately could jeopardize his financial stability, especially with anticipated increases in mortgage costs due to rising interest rates and a second equity loan in the coming years.
OP's ex-wife, although earning a lower wage than the current mortgage on the family home, insists on an immediate change in living arrangements and is taking the matter to court. Let's see Reddit's verdict on this one.