"Criminal Record" is a British crime thriller television series set to premiere on Apple TV+ on January 10, 2024. The premise revolves around two detectives, a seasoned veteran and a younger woman early in her career, who find themselves in conflict over an old murder case after an anonymous phone call draws their attention to it.
While it's interesting enough to see yet another criminal series this year, people are questioning if the show is based on any true crime story.
Criminal Record Plot Preview And Inspiration
First thing first, specific details regarding whether "Criminal Record" is based on a true story or real events are not explicitly confirmed in the online sources and it is probably a fictional story.
In "Criminal Record," a mysterious phone call throws two top-notch detectives into a tangle over a past murder in London. Detective Sergeant June Lenker, played by Cush Jumbo, is a sharp cop at the dawn of her career. She finds herself in a tricky game of wits with DCI Daniel Hegarty (Peter Capaldi), a well-known p keen on safeguarding his reputation.
Smart and keen Detective Sergeant June Lenker gets the task of investigating an anonymous tip to the emergency services, which might cast new light on a cold murder case. But when June tries to get answers from the detective who worked the case back then, Daniel Hegarty (Peter Capaldi), she's met with a dead end.
Now a respected, well-networked DCI in Hackney, Hegarty is tight-lipped about Errol Mathis (Tom Moutchi), the guy he helped put away 11 years back. Is Hegarty just trying to keep his good name, or is there something darker he's keeping under wraps?
As June starts to think Errol might not be guilty, she's ready to dive deep, even if it stirs up the higher-ups...
Release Date And How To Watch
Who's Starring In The Cast?
In "Criminal Record," Peter Capaldi steps into the role of Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Hegarty. Capaldi describes DCI Hegarty as a seasoned, highly effective police officer in East London. At 65, and known for his stint as the 12th Doctor Who, Capaldi portrays Hegarty as a man who's seen it all and has strong opinions on policing. When June starts probing into his past and questioning his ethics, Hegarty recognizes her determination and smarts. But he makes it clear that if she crosses him, she's making a big error.
Peter Capaldi, the Scottish actor, is famous for roles like the 12th Doctor in "Doctor Who" and Malcolm Tucker in "The Thick of It." His extensive career includes appearances in "The Devil’s Hour," the "Paddington" Movies, "The Crow Road," "The Suicide Squad," "The Musketeers," "Skins," and "Torchwood." He's also related to music sensation Lewis Capaldi.
Cush Jumbo stars as Detective Sergeant June Lenker in "Criminal Record." Jumbo, 38, brings life to June, portraying her as an everyday woman – a mom in a shaky relationship, struggling to keep it all together. When she encounters Hegarty, her instincts signal that something's amiss. Driven by a thirst for truth, her pursuit becomes perilous.
June sees Hegarty as embodying the flaws of current police practices – outmoded, ethically dubious, and too quick to use his rank to escape scrutiny. June, representing a new era, is eager to reform and improve the system.
Cush Jumbo has also played Lucca Quinn in "The Good Fight" and "The Good Wife." Her other roles include parts in "Stay Close," "Getting On," "The Beast Must Die," "Vera," "Deadwater Fell," and "Trying."