22 People Whose Sense Of Humor Is Running Through Their Veins

Manda Garcia

Humor is a great thing. It benefits people in several ways, physically and mentally, according to research. Some people adopt it while they grow up and some are lucky enough to be born with it. They can easily win everyone's hearts because the jokes they tell or funny things they do can brighten up a blue day instantly. Just like these folks in the list below, they can shake the world with laughter with their sense of humor. You don't have to be there with them, just looking at these photos is enough to lift up your mood.
We have put together a compilation of 22 humorous people doing humorous things that makes it hard for you to get through without smiling once. Scroll down for some fun! Check out our earlier article for more!

#1. Made In China

Source: Prostoilogin

#2. I tried taking a selfie while I was underwater

Source: lasagnabby

#3. My dad and I have a tradition of putting me in the Costco cart and now that I’m nearly 30 we realized it’s bordering on sad

Source: sarahsolfails

#4. Well, as least he is honest

Source: Maxi Baron

#5. That must have really hurt!

Source: Bashar Roy

#6. My girlfriend at the Dentist

Source: riverontheroad

#7. Riding without a helmet... chances she needs a new father soon too are pretty high

Source: lunardownpour

#8. When you're feeling great but your hotel mirror puts you back in check

Source: spurlockmedia

#9. Priorities.

Source: Mopar Connection

#10. My Mom, who designed a Mario themed party at her office (all by hand) dressed as Cloud guy!

Source: cmdtheekneel

#11. Hope my man is doing ok

Source: Humans doing human things

#12. This guy made pants from all the festival hats from previous years

Source: Asthimaya

#13. My brother works outdoors, and wears the same hat every day.

Source: LivingInColor8

#14. Fiancé framed this accidental photo of me

Source: Findgorrfy101

#15. Our friend is buying his first home today, so we worked with his realtor to be sure this is the first thing waiting for him in his kitchen after closing

Source: InflatableRegret

#16. Crazy sore muscles but no bath tub? Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Source: roaringrandallpho

#17. Dads 87 and had to come help and I find this and not him…

Source: notmyfaultooops

#18. Thinking of buying a new car to impress the ladies

Source: dizzyday

#19. The most Florida thing I’ve seen this week

Source: karebear6

#20. This is business!

Source: Gloryhole77

#21. HONK

Source: Allidapevets

#22. This drive-thru worker’s shelter on a rainy day

Source: pinkandperjurous