Teenager Going Around The Rules Set By Mom Just To Gift Her Sister

Jonathan Hayda

Meet OP, a 16-year-old, faced a dilemma during Christmas when her mom imposed strict rules about her sister Allie's peculiar interests in insects, fossils, and bones.

Despite the disapproval of Allie's hobbies, OP, wanting to give a meaningful gift, purchased a framed bat skeleton for her sister. However, upon revealing the present, OP's mom became upset and insisted that such items were not allowed in their house due to being perceived as creepy or weird.

Undeterred, OP, thinking on her feet, suggested that Allie keep the gift at their dad's house, where it would fit in with the existing collection of similar items. Allie agreed, and the situation seemed resolved. Nevertheless, OP's mom confronted her, expressing disapproval for deliberately circumventing her rules.

OP defended her decision, asserting that the framed bat wouldn't harm anyone and could be kept at the dad's house.

Let's see how Reddit delivers their verdict.

Let's Check Out The Full Story

OP Has A Good Relatonship With Her Sister

Allie Is A Weird Girl

Not Really Creepy Imo

They Kinda Follow The Rules

Seriously He Can't

You're Not The AH OP You're A Cool Sister

See People Don't Think You're TA OP

Not Everyone Has That Kind Of Siblings Bond Like Yours OP

Not Everyone Has That Kind Of Siblings Bond Like Yours OP Source: PsilosirenRose

It's Weird That Their Mom Doesn't Care About Her Daughters

Yeah Next Time Do That OP

Sadly It Is That

Sadly It Is That Source: Reddit

Keep It Up OP

Keep It Up OP Source: imothro

It Was Really Ridiculous

It Was Really Ridiculous Source: queenofwasps

OP's Sister Is Just A Normal Girl

OP's Sister Is Just A Normal Girl Source: Medysus
So what do you guys think? Drop us your comments below. Let's find out if you guys have other thoughts.