Teen Girl Cancels Hotel Reservation For Her College Celebration With Dad After He Unexpectedly Brings Stepsister Along

Leona Martinez

Reddit user u/NoPound7624 shared her tough situation involving her dad, step-sister Julia, and a planned celebration for her early college acceptance on the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, seeking opinions and advice from the community.

She detailed that after her dad married another woman, he started taking care of her stepbrother and stepsister more than her, which made her feel overshadowed. Then, she decided to tell him how she felt, and things got a little bit better.

But when the OP planned to have a getaway weekend with her dad and even pay for a hotel reservation, things took an unexpected turn. He brought her stepsister along.

This surprise led to disappointment, and the OP had to make a tough decision. To find out more about this family dilemma and how the online community reacted, keep reading!

Teen Girl Cancels Hotel Reservation Meant For Her College Celebration With Dad Source: vertabelo.com (not the actual photo)

Here's the full story:

NoPound7624's storySource: NoPound7624

OP's parents divorced 10 years ago, leading to the formation of a blended family with step-siblings Julia and Josh from the other woman's previous marriage.

Source: NoPound7624

OP was a devoted daddy's girl before her parents' divorce, but after her father remarried, she felt overshadowed by his new wife's family

OP was a devoted daddy's girl Source: NoPound7624

OP expressed her feelings to her dad about feeling neglected in the presence of her stepbrothers, and they started spending more one-on-one time together

OP expressed her feelings to her dad about feeling neglected Source: NoPound7624

Despite the OP's excitement for a beach celebration with her dad after getting early college acceptance, her plans were disrupted when her step-sister joined unexpectedly

Despite the OP's excitement for a beach celebration, her plans were disrupted Source: NoPound7624

In anger, the OP canceled the hotel reservation for her dad's beach celebration with her step-sister, then they couldn't find another hotel

OP canceled the hotel reservation for her dad's beach celebration with her step-sister Source: NoPound7624

OP informed her dad that she was going no contact, uninviting him from her graduation

OP informed her dad that she was going no contact Source: NoPound7624

The dad didn't respect OP's explicit wishes for her celebration, and he could have booked a separate trip for the step-sister

he could have booked a separate trip for the step-sister Source: whynot246810

Commenters expressed astonishment at the dad and step-sister's behavior

Commenters expressed astonishment at the dad and step-sister's behavior Source: jujoking

Commenters couldn't believe why the dad did that and why he would expect the OP to still pay for the hotel after springing the step-sister on her at the last minute

Commenters couldn't believe why the dad did that Source: Fianna9

The dad's actions in disregarding her desire for a special celebration and bonding time made OP hurt

The issues with her dad were not her fault but a reflection of his choices and selfishness

Her dad needs to prioritize her, make amends, and ensure that such incidents don't happen again for her to consider maintaining a relationship with him

Her dad needs to prioritize her, make amends, and ensure that such incidents don't happen again Source: Reddit User

Redditors commend OP for standing up for herself when her father selfishly disrupted her celebratory weekend

"Cancel it and get your money back"

The OP was not a jerk

What are your thoughts on the OP's situation? Have you ever faced a similar family dynamic or unexpected turn of events during a special celebration? Share your opinions and experiences below!