Mother-In-Law Uses Essential Oil Mix To Make Toddler Sleep, Landing Her In ICU – Woman Files For Divorce!

Leona Martinez

On the Relationship Advice subreddit, one story recently showed us why it's essential to be careful when choosing whom we share our lives with. This story is about a woman who, after a five-year marriage and a decade-long relationship, has faced a litany of warning signs that she chose to ignore out of love for her husband. At first, her biggest issues were with her husband's mom.

The mother-in-law consistently belittled and humiliated her, even making racist comments because the woman was of Hispanic heritage. Despite all this mistreatment, she endured it because she loved her husband.

She shared everything with her husband about what his mom did, but he just found it amusing and brushed it off. Even when his mom accused her of being a gold-digger, despite earning more than her husband, he never corrected the misunderstanding.

Ex-husband wants back in Source: Google Images (not the actual photo)

The turning point came when her daughter's safety was jeopardized. Her daughter had a medical condition that made certain foods and substances dangerous. Her mother-in-law, without thinking, gave her essential oils to help her sleep, which landed the little girl in the ICU.

When the woman confronted her husband about his mother's actions, he simply defended her, saying she meant well. After all, she decided to divorce. However, the story doesn't end here. Scroll down to check out what happened next. You will be surprised at the twists and turns of the story.

Source: Reddit

This is the full story:

This is the full story: Source: OppositeLeopard

OP endured her ex-husband's mother's constant belittling and humiliation for 10 years

OP endured her ex-husband's mother's constant belittling and humiliation for 10 years Source: OppositeLeopard

OP's ex-husband scolded her when she stood up for herself

OP's ex-husband scolded her when she stood up for herself Source: OppositeLeopard

OP's ex-MIL fed her 3-year-old daughter essential oils against her medical condition, causing her to end up in the ICU

OP's MIL fed her 3-year-old daughter essential oils Source: OppositeLeopard

OP went to her parents and prepared a divorce agreement

OP went to her parents and prepared a divorce agreement Source: OppositeLeopard

Her ex-mother-in-law used various false accusations to try to take her daughter, while her ex-husband defended her actions

Her ex-mother-in-law used various false accusations to try to take her daughter Source: OppositeLeopard

OP started dating again

OP started dating again Source: OppositeLeopard

OP's ex-husband started understanding how bad he was

OP's ex-husband started understanding how bad he was Source: OppositeLeopard

OP's ex-husband began making romantic gestures and wanted back in

OP's ex-husband began making romantic gestures and wanted back in Source: OppositeLeopard

The ex-husband's trying to manipulate her daughter's feelings

The ex-husband's trying to manipulate her daughter's feelings Source: OppositeLeopard

OP got some really useful advice. Her lawyer believes they might have a case against her ex-husband for trying to turn their daughter against her

Edit 1: Source: OppositeLeopard

OP made it clear that she did everything she could to make her ex-husband understand, and she has no intention of getting back together with him

Edit 2: Source: OppositeLeopard

Here's the comments of Reddit users:

Source: Canadian_Rednek
Source: Reddit User
Source: Razor_Grrl
Source: CheapChallenge
What do you think about the story of a 3-year-old ending up in the ICU after her mother-in-law used essential oils to make her sleep? Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments.