Anyway, not only kids, but adults also love crayons, right? So, parents, don't worry too much. Let's enjoy the moments your kids play with crayons because it's time for them to live in their own colorful world. In honor of National Crayon Day, we're glad to bring you guys funny tweets from parents about crayons that sum up just how sick of crayons they are. From tweets about broken crayon meltdowns to restaurant coloring mishaps, you may find your children in these tweets. Although kids are nightmares at times, they might brighten up your life. So, keep scrolling down and prepare to laugh at the cute and funny stories below. Enjoy!
Source: RodLacroix
Source: QBruby
Source: thedadvocate01
Source: saltymamas
Source: XplodingUnicorn
Source: TheCatWhisprer
Source: RodLacroix
Source: stayathomies
Source: BunAndLeggings
Source: simoncholland
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: HonestToddler
Source: copymama
Source: RodLacroix
Source: XplodingUnicorn
Source: DadandBuried
Source: sarcasticmommy4
Source: HomeWithPeanut
Source: HenpeckedHal
Source: simoncholland
Source: XplodingUnicorn
Source: MommieKnwsFresh
Source: KenJennings
Source: simoncholland
Source: XplodingUnicorn
Source: ThisOneSayz
Source: HomeWithPeanut
Source: mommajessiec
Source: simoncholland
Source: TheCatWhisprer
Source: Manda_like_wine
Source: XplodingUnicorn
For more laughs, check out 25 Funny Tweets About What It's Like To Be Grown-ups That Make You Laugh Then Cry.