Expecting Mom Upset As Mother-In-Law Plans Vacation On Her Due Date, Online Community Views It As A Positive Twist

Leona Martinez

Being pregnant is a mix of happy and tough moments. As a pregnant woman, all the changes can be a lot; she might be more sensitive, tearful, or easily irritated. So she needs support from family members. When she doesn't receive care, she can get hurt and feel a bit lonely. That is what happened to this pregnant woman (OP).

She shared on the r/JUSTNOMIL subreddit that this was when she got pregnant with her first baby. Although she had told her in-laws about her labor, they still booked a vacation at the same time she was going to give birth. Her husband didn't see the issue with the in-laws' timing. And that hurt her a lot. Scroll down to read the entire story!

Source: intenthealth.ca (not the actual photo)

Here's the full story:

Advanced_League_6832's storySource: Advanced_League_6832

OP is 10 weeks pregnant with her first baby, but her in-laws will be on a two-week vacation during the expected birth window

The OP feels hurt because her in-laws have already been unsupportive during the pregnancy

Feeling hurt and unsupported, the OP turns to the internet for understanding.

Internet strangers chime in with different perspectives, suggesting that the in-laws' absence might actually be a good thing, allowing for more private bonding time with the newborn.

Enjoy this precious moment!

Enjoy this precious moment! Source: Reddit User

Good suggestion!

OkapiEli's commentSource: OkapiEli

Their vacation during the birth can be a blessing

Their vacation during the birth can be a blessing Source: jacksonlove3

This Redditor was also in the same situation

This Redditor was also in the same situation Source: Shealyth

"Your feelings are valid"

You can have private time with your parents and newborn

You can have private time with your parents and newborn Source: Batmom3

"Career decisions"

"Career decisions" Source: musicalsigns

Their absence can reduce stress

Their absence can reduce stress Source: avyg2k

The in-laws would only visit briefly

The in-laws would only visit briefly Source: Aurora--Black

Make thing easier and less stressful!

Make thing easier and less stressful! Source: marla-M

When in-laws don't seem to notice or care much about the time the baby is due, it can make things even harder. Not feeling that support can make a pregnant woman feel a bit lonely or like she's facing things on her own.

Pregnancy is a time when kindness and understanding matter a lot, and when in-laws don't show that, it can make the challenges of getting ready for a new family member feel even bigger.

What do you think after reading the story? Share your thoughts and similar experiences in the comments!