Have you ever found yourself so hungry that you can eat anything that even mildly resembled food around you? You know I once found myself in your shoes just like many other people around the world. I have, however, learned the painful lesson that not everything that appears to be food can be eaten. To help you to determine which foods are edible and which ones are not, I have collected a few forbidden foods that are "tasty to the eye, but not to the mouth." And you shouldn't eat them, of course.
All of the photos in the collection below I have selected from the ForbiddenSnacks subreddit. All of those foods are just a little too deceiving. I'm sure that you can't help but want to take a nibble out of each of these. Scroll down to check out delicious-looking nonfood items in the list below. And don't forget to upvote the most perplexing foods. These taboo foods are incredible.
All of the photos in the collection below I have selected from the ForbiddenSnacks subreddit. All of those foods are just a little too deceiving. I'm sure that you can't help but want to take a nibble out of each of these. Scroll down to check out delicious-looking nonfood items in the list below. And don't forget to upvote the most perplexing foods. These taboo foods are incredible.
#1. Mineral-fortified banquet
Source: SeaShantySarah
#2. Sausage, glass, and cheese
Source: ZoIpidem
#3. Forbidden Oreos
Source: Stab_City
#4. Forbidden cheesesteak
Source: frostkaiser
#5. Forbidden meat cube (candle)
Source: StarN1ght5
#6. Forbidden orange juice
Source: indoorwarrior63
#7. My coffee-scented soaps that look like slabs of raw meat
Source: pepperjack77-7
#8. Forbidden waterbottle
Source: _sileighty_
#9. Forbidden pork
Source: isnisse
#10. Forbidden popcorn
Source: Professional_Box5448
#11. Forbidden popcorn chicken (these are meteorites)
Source: Ace_of_Snass
#12. Watermelon sugar high
Source: Shiba_inu45
#13. Looks like a fruit punch…
Source: [deleted]
#14. Forbidden strawberry ice cream
Source: Yoogoy
#15. Forbidden jellybeans
Source: Little_Skittle_
#16. Forbidden a bunch of garlic
Source: Y2SHAF
#17. One is chocolate, one is for the dishwasher…
Source: ghostsinurblood
#18. Forbidden eggs
Source: Nathan3023
#19. Forbidden chicken tenders
Source: total_loss76
#20. Forbidden fruit snack
Source: meimzi