9 Funny Random Facts That You Don't Believe They Exist

Sunny Anderson

Laughter, as many studies have shown, is a powerful therapeutic tool. As such, we've collected the nine funny random facts fro you. It would be great if there was a way to satisfy our need for information and our need for lighthearted Entertainment at the same time. It looks like good fortune has smiled upon you. Here are some of the funniest facts we could find. Some of these facts are so out there that they will blow your mind. Give yourself some time to read them all.
Spending time online can seem like a waste of time, but in reality, it's beneficial to your mental and physical well-being. The 9 Facts About Life You Won't Believe You Didn't Already Know will give you even more of an edge on the next quiz night.

#1. What is the craziest random fact? Check out the list of nine funny random facts below.

1. The Supreme Court has a private basketball court

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The United States Supreme Court Building features an indoor basketball court on its penthouse level. What's the name of it? The Supreme Court, as you probably pd. Also, check out these 100 Incredible Truths You've Never Heard Before for other interesting information.

2. An NFL fan once used his obituary to slam the organization.

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In real life, a diehard Cleveland Browns fan and season ticket holder asked for "six Cleveland Browns pallbearers" to carry his casket. The Browns, you see, want to disappoint him for the last time. Burn! Check out These Are the Greatest Insults in History for more funny comebacks.

3. Hunting unicorns is not illegal in Michigan.

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The Unicorn Hunting Permit can be purchased from Lake Superior State University in Michigan. Not surprisingly, "the hunt of the unicorn is a lonely journey," as stated by the "chief herald of the Unicorn Hunters." We hope the best for them.

4. Cows moo with different accents - Funny random facts

funny random factsSource: Getty Images

"with tiny groups like herds, you would meet identifiable dialectical variances that are most affected by the immediate peer group," says one UK professor in an article for BBC News. You can indeed take the Jersey girl out of Jersey, but you can't take the cow with her.

5. There was a 3-year-old mayor in a U.S town

funny random factsSource: Getty Images

Three-year-old Robert Tufts was elected mayor of Dorset, Minnesota, in 2015, where the position is held for a maximum of two years at a time, and the incumbent is chosen randomly. "Being pleasant and no poopy talk" sums up his approach to leadership. The world needs more people like Robert Tufts in positions of power in 2018, and I think we can all agree on that. Also, here are 20 Irrational Facts That Will Blow Your Mind for more mind-blowing knowledge.

6. Barry Manilow didn't write his hit song "I Write the Songs."

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Even Barry, before he recorded it, wasn't convinced it was a good song.

7. Flowers love Viagra - Funny random facts

funny random factsSource: Getty Images

A study conducted by Israeli and Australian scientists found that placing some Viagra in a vase will prevent the flowers from drooping for an extra week. If you no longer feel this article interesting, check out these funny youtube videos!

8. There is a town in the United States with exactly one resident.

funny random factsSource: Getty Images

The official population of Monowi, Nebraska, which is located in the state of Nebraska, is one. Taxes, she does do those. In private! She's the mayor, the librarian, and the bartender all rolled into one, and she's in her eighties.

9. A bridge for squirrels does exist - Funny random facts

funny random factsSource: Getty Images

Squirrels can cross a treetop bridge in a Washington town over a major highway. The Nutty Narrows Bridge is its official moniker. Recognize the truth of the matter. That is absolutely hilarious.
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