15 Dreadful Pictures That'll Give You Your Worst Nightmares

Daniel Figaro

Do you afraid of the dark? If yes, you still don't need to be shy about that. Our fear of darkness is one of the human instincts developed and passed down for thousands of years. Still, we're afraid of many other things that vary from individual to individual. Maybe it's clowns, bugs, crowded places, or even non-existing things like ghosts.
These fears have a deep connection to a person's memories and experiences. Whenever they spot something similar to what once caused them stress, their body reacts by trembling and increasing alertness.
Still, you can also have a fear of a random thing for absolutely no reason at all. You see, hear, and experience it; then you realize that it gives you a strange vibe that your mind and body detest. Call it gut feeling, perhaps, but when you don't feel right about something, you'd better stop and reconsider. Below, people shared photos of the strangely terrifying things they saw. Would you like to see them? Get prepared and scroll down to check them out!

#1 Somebody thinks it's fun to have a ferret in their trousers?

Source: ryan22000044

#2 Bone-chilling note

Source: killHACKS

#3 Curious to know what that light is?

Source: killHACKS

#4 Seriously, WTF is this about?

Source: ghibli_ghirl

#5 This is plain sad

Source: TheTrueTurk

#6 Imagine the nightmare actively comes to find you

Source: Excalibur_Playz

#7 Scream because...

Source: MaeSolug

#8 More like a walrus from hell

Source: koppizmedia

#9 That's no red rice she was cooking

Source: anhtuan2985

#10 Growing a new head?

Source: AngryCactusKing

#11 That's the bridge to hell

Source: smells-fishy

#12 Now I want to open it

Source: PepsiPlease

#13 Crash bandicoot boss

Source: koppizmedia

#14 Remind yourself when you come to the cemetery

Source: R3dWolf78

#15 You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!

Source: 8mthomas8