14 Of The Worst Parents Found On Social Media

Daniel Figaro

People say that if we don't try, we can never know if we can do anything. Yes, only after we have done something can we know we love to do it. The same thing applies when we are assigned a new task. But, nothing can ensure you a good result. You can try and succeed, or you can also fail.
Parenthood is definitely a serious matter. When people decide to become parents, they must have prepared mentally and physically to handle such a hardship as this. Still, many seem to give up pretty soon at the beginning of parenthood. And as we all know, if you do anything half-heartedly, it will not end well, if not disastrously.
You may feel a little relief to know that your parents are better than many others. Some parents indeed should not have kids, for God's sake. Those people are toxic, stupid, and insane. Children cannot grow up well while being taken care of by those people. They are the worst parents that deserve to be shamed. And here, we have some fine examples of the worst parents found on social media. Check them out in the list below!

#1 Somebody makes this stop!

Source: Reddit

#2 Here we spot a Karen in its fullest form

Source: xboxwizard01

#3 When you get the correct reply

Source: Reddit

#4 I see 5 issues here and I can't tell which is more concerning

Source: Ninjawsh

#5 He literally just got suspended for dipping in school

Source: Draxtheunwoooshable

#6 They didn't have any other stickers on the car...

Source: Human_ManGuy

#7 Ah yes my kid should smoke

Source: fazzy69

#8 No wonder your TODDLER is in therapy. You are a fcking gem

Source: awholelotofnoyes

#9 Dad threatens to kick his daughter out of the house during a global pandemic if she doesn't speak French

Source: magikarpcatcher

#10 I’m sure this kid will appreciate this photo being out there one day

Source: Thornypotato

#11 She should be proud and supportive

Source: Scxllyy

#12 Baby proofing? Nah... ? Darwin award maybe?

Source: bearsbeetspie

#13 Praying for you

Source: imgur

#14 Saw this while in vacation

Source: Dankdaddyleftyou