People Talk About Animals They Love But Can't Show Them Affection Due To Safety Reasons And Social Standards

Susanna Grace

Let's take a deep breath and see how diverse our planet is. It is estimated that 3-30 million species are inhabiting the earth, according to In general, all kinds of animals are classified into 7 groups, including invertebrates, vertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, and ray-finned fishes, each group has millions of different species. Among a vast number of animal species on Earth, cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, and fish can all be humans' pets. We often just automatically accept it, but have you ever wondered why we can't keep the rest?

The answer, in fact, is quite simple.  Pets are more likely to be kept by humans for companionship or pleasure rather than for utility, so they tend to have more interaction with humans than other livestock. Among the popular pets, dogs are thought to have been kept at home since prehistoric times, while cats started appearing in people's houses in the 16th century BC. Keeping other pets, such as birds, rabbits, rodents, raccoons, reptiles, and amphibians has just been a trend in recent years. 

Pets stay closer to us, so we tend to show more affection to them rather than other animals. However, we do love all animals the same way. Sometimes, we are willing to stop in the middle of the road at night just to save an animal in need. Is there any animal you desperately want to show affection to but can't because of safety reasons and social standards? These people have. Some of them love big cats like tigers and lions, and some like raccoons and opossums. Scroll down to read their comments. If you have an answer of your own, please let us know!


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