"Introvert Nation": 25 Funniest And Most Relatable Posts From This Instagram Page

Daniel Figaro

Extroverts and introverts are like day and night. While extroverts prefer to engage with the outside world and participate in activities, introverts focus more on the inner world and are thoughtful and insightful. They are two opposites that can hardly go with one another.
In general, extroverts are all fun and game. That's why people like to be around these people. They are like the sun that shines bright among others, spreading vibes and energy. Introverts are, on the other hand, calm like summer nights. It feels so comfortable to be with them, listening to their stories or telling them some of your own.
But like, because introverts will not actively seek new friends or get involved in any business, they're sometimes said to be distant and difficult. But, they are just too tired too to engage in anything. People enjoy parties, loud music, and lots of friends. But these people have none of that. They want to cuddle their pet and their laptop on their comfy couch. Yes, just that.
If you're an introvert, you'll know how hard it is to express your feelings to others. But, we have found a page that speaks your exact inner thoughts. 'Introvert Nation' is an Instagram page dedicated to collecting tweets and memes that all introverts can relate. We have selected some of the funniest ones from the page and put them in the list below. Let's scroll down and check them out!

#1 How do people always wanna be outside

Source: theintrovertnation

A typical introvert doesn't desire any interaction with the outside world. They are the lone wolf that thrives in solitude, even though others think they're weak.

#2 Safe time

Source: theintrovertnation

It's hard to find a time that is more soothing to me than midnight. I love the silence. The night and calm air heal my mind better than anything else. No people, no chatting, no stress, no nothing. Sometimes I just wish that moment to last forever.

#3 Me not even have the guts to say that...

Source: mariebabyyyyy_

#4 Every day of my life

Source: theintrovertnation

#5 Truth

Source: theintrovertnation

#6 Weirdest thing about not being alone is how many hours you can go without talking and the weirdest thing about being alone is how many hours you can talk

Source: theintrovertnation

#7 Lost me at "answering your front door"

Source: theintrovertnation

#8 I have a new dream now!

Source: theintrovertnation

#9 Time well spent

Source: theintrovertnation

#10 Getting married to the cake. Yippee!

Source: _RobertSchultz

#11 This is so me!

Source: secondbeckfast

#12 I cant agree more, shoo its a whole day job

Source: theintrovertnation

#13 Fair point

Source: theintrovertnation

#14 I strive to live like that one day

Source: beingintrovert6

#15 Followed shortly by anxious potato worrying everyone was just laughing out of pity...

Source: dasmesufi

#16 I would have said, "Yes, I'd love to"

Source: girlreligionco1

#17 Great! Now, you got me thinking about garlic bread

Source: theintrovertnation

#18 I p introverts have their own wavelength. Eventually I'll come across someone with a compatible one

Source: theintrovertnation

#19 Frog and toad got it right...

Source: theintrovertnation

#20 Every time!

Source: theintrovertnation

#21 Sounds great. I'm gonna try it tomorrow

Source: theintrovertnation

#22 I am the loud introvert

Source: dilfhua

#23 Or just let me read my d*mn book in peace!!!

Source: theintrovertnation

#24 Me as a kid

Source: ElyKreimendahl

#25 Yep, I'm my own worst enemy

Source: IntrovertProbss

Everyone has a safe zone, and as an introvert, I want people to keep their distance. I only feel comfortable when I take full control of myself. Introverts enjoy being alone, and they want others to respect their desire. Don't try to pull them out of their comfort zone. Introverts are not nerds, they'll snap if you're being forceful with them.
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