22 Of The Funniest Struggle Tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable

Daniel Figaro

Other people also have struggles of their own. Down below is a gallery of fail struggle tweets from jokesters on Twitter
So, you might have skills and abilities; you might have been through a lot that you believe nothing can cause you trouble. Still, life is always unpredictable, and the struggles will never fail to get you. Difficulties can manifest in whatever you do, interfering with and ruining your seemingly smooth plan. How frustrating! When we are prepared and not prepared alike, that feeling of helplessness is just too real to ignore.

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable

What is the struggle you're dealing with currently? What did you do to handle it? We bet you all have at least one or two right now that have not yet been solved. Other people also have struggles of their own that might be similar to yours. Down below is a gallery of struggle tweets from jokesters on Twitter. We know that you'll like it because we can feel you. We are all the same.

#1 Lmao. If only this were true

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable 22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable

Source: Reddit

#2 He's trying to kill you man

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#3 These are the dangers of smoking weed kids

Source: Reddit

#4 Some people drink, others eat. Which kind are you? And why can't you be both

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#5 Kids are just built different

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#6 That's dark

Source: Reddit

#7 Oh you want to make a bet?

Source: Reddit

#8 Ever so un-spectacular

Source: Reddit

#9 This is sage advice ya'll

Source: Reddit

#10 Try pooping together, perhaps?

Source: Reddit

#11 That man probably doesn't like you

Source: Reddit

#12 I knew it!

Source: Reddit

#13 Listen

Source: Reddit

#14 Well, it takes a wild turn

Source: Reddit

#15 I'd just start walking. What's he going to do?

Source: Reddit

#16 It's just weirdly hard

Source: Reddit

#17 Speaking truth

Source: Reddit

#18 Wait...what?!

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#19 What else do you expect?

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable 22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too Relatable

Source: Reddit

#20 Welcome, kids

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#21 So who's unskilled?

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

#22 Went all the way just to do that!!

22 Of The Funniest fail struggle tweets That Are A Little Too RelatableSource: Reddit

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