What Screams "I Am Not The Badass I Pretend To Be"?

Daniel Figaro

If you've ever thought about how to save or improve your public image, then this content won't be unfamiliar to you. We all, or at least most of us, have been through those middle school years when we tried everything possible to make ourselves look tough. Acting cool and expressing oneself whenever they can. That's one distinctive trait of teenagers.
However, everything is good when it's appropriate and adequate. Yes, constantly boasting about how you "could beat someone up if you wanted, just not right now" is not the quickest or easiest way to gain respect. In reality, it may even sound like you're a cowardly, insecure liar trying to hide from the real-life hostility. People are sharing the times they encountered such fake badasses, and it's just cringy.


Source: Ragingbull444


Source: Green420Basturd


Source: AlterEdward


Source: treeinaforest9


Source: No_Bullfrog5811


Source: jasenzero1


Source: gatheringdusk


Source: aircavrocker


Source: supremumpuella


Source: [deleted]


Source: history7s


Source: faxanadude_


Source: jimmisjumbobumbo


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Source: Mac2311