It's now like a habit when people open their smartphones and surf the internet for practically nothing. We all do it when we feel bored, when we relax, or when we "open the phone to see the time." We scroll through endless content online to entertain after a long day at work. Still, there are moments when we decide, "It's enough internet for today." Once in a while, people stumble upon content that makes them shut down the computer right away because of how cursed comments it is.
In the list below, people are sharing the moments when the internet unexpectedly turns so dark they have to run. Can you guess it? Yup, that's when they see a cursed comment. Some people surely deserve a medal for leaving such absurdly ridiculous comments that can disgust the whole internet. Let's scroll down and check them out.
In the list below, people are sharing the moments when the internet unexpectedly turns so dark they have to run. Can you guess it? Yup, that's when they see a cursed comment. Some people surely deserve a medal for leaving such absurdly ridiculous comments that can disgust the whole internet. Let's scroll down and check them out.
#1 Cursed_Rickroll
20 Cursed Comments To Inspire You To Turn Off Your ComputerSource: hayden1710e
#2 Cursed_Third Wheel
Source: VenmousKSI
#3 Cursed_Mr. Bean
Source: wanquard
#4 Cursed_Viagra
Source: whereneverhere
#5 Cursed_Redditors
Source: Gullible_Escape9384
#6 Cursed_I'm Still Standing
Source: TheLoserMahi
#7 Cursed_Pan
Source: sadra-the-legend
#8 Cursed_Cooking
Source: jak_pigg
#9 Cursed_Charlie
Source: mythpython
#10 Cursed_Belly Rub
Source: GP-12
#11 Cursed_China
Source: ILikeBeansUwU
#12 Cursed_Death Scene
Source: Ja_Baby
#13 Cursed_Smoking
Source: ThijmenTheTurkey
#14 Cursed_Wrong Answer
Source: Equivalent_Bird4592
#15 Cursed_Class
Source: Baronfrankenstein
#16 Cursed_Captain America
Source: ShadesReplay
#17 Cursed_Thumb Placement
Source: not_herobrine
#18 Cursed_Pearl
Source: Dark-Pit-37
#19 Cursed_Crush
Source: JalCee
#20 Cursed_Fun Fact
Source: zahid8940
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