New Yorkers Reveal The Most 'New York' Things To Ever Happen To Them

Daniel Figaro

I used to live in the countryside when I was a kid. Of course, my life was great back then. Imagine waking up in the morning to some birds chirping outside the window, you walk out the door and fill your lungs with flowers' aromas from nearby gardens. What could be more comfortable? Still, the tranquility of countryside life is also the lack of Entertainment parks, bars, and nightclubs. But for me, I'm always happy with my choice about where to live.
People living in the countryside have their issues and worries, and so do the city-dwellers. However, "only in New York" is such an overused sentiment we all hear these days. If I live in another city and have fewer of those New Yorkers on my friend list, things are probably different. Like, no more "only in NY" but "only in L.A," "only in Cali" and such. Anyway, it's entertaining to see how people react to the problems that happen in their cities. Some New Yorkers are sharing the most 'New York' things they've ever experienced down in below, and it's hilarious.


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein


Source: dansaltzstein