Redditor Asks People To Share Most Intelligent Things Pets Have Surprised Them, And The Replies Are Awesome

Susanna Grace

There is no doubt that dogs are intelligent animals. A study by Stanley Coren in 2009 showed that the dog's intelligence is averagely as developed as that of a 2.5-year-old human. Other research proves that dogs are able to accomplish some particular tricks that humans do, including reading cues, showing emotions, displaying signs of jealousy, and getting competent through training. And so are cats.
Besides, there are a lot of examples in real life from which we see how intelligent dogs can be. As owners, you have probably been surprised to see your dogs do something you even can't expect them to do. Redditor @Gearski is also owning a dog, so he understands how wonderful it feels to witness these furry friends make use of their smartness to surprise their beloved hoomans.
He asks people to share the most intelligent things their pets have ever done, and stories from excited owners started to roll in. The following are twenty-three best stories chosen from top-voted comments. Hopefully, they will serve your day with a good treat.


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


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Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit


Source: r/AskReddit