Women Shared The Most Idiotic Pieces Of Advice They've Ever Received During Pregnancy

Daniel Figaro

Pregnancy is always a very delicate period. Women need to be extra careful in almost every aspect of life during this time. There are some activities they need to do more, like exercising yoga. And some activities are no longer advisable, like rock climbing and such. When the child is still inside the mother's body, it all depends on the mom to make the right decisions. And it's not easy, indeed.
Pregnancy can be quite a hard time for an inexperienced mother. And like always, people are willing to help them with all sorts of advice. Still, don't blindly follow them all as some of them can be wrong, horribly sometimes. Have you ever received any silly piece of advice during pregnancy? Women are sharing the dumbest things people told them to and NOT to do when they were pregnant, and they are hilarious. Keep reading and enjoy a good laugh.


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Source: reddit


Source: SoldMySoulForHairDye


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Source: reddit


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Source: MamaDMZ