Millennials Are Sharing The Biggest Regrets They Have In Life, Life Lessons Come At A Cost

Daniel Figaro

Life is tough for me, for you, and practically almost everyone. Every day, we learn through our mistakes. Of course, no one wants to ever make a mistake, but we are no god. We cannot control everything. And as we're young and reckless, we're not afraid of the consequences. Yes, for now. As people get older, they become calmer and more mindful of their actions. Maybe they can no longer handle any consequence if they make a mistake. Or they already know how things are gonna happens. Either way, it's good.
Millennials are now in their mid 30 and early 40. To be fair, they are in the stage of life where they can see how all their previous decisions turn out to be. There are ones who feel glad that they did the right thing and are now enjoying their victory in life. But there are more who made mistakes and are now regretting their decisions. So, when asked, millennials shared about what mistakes they've made that keep them up at night. Sometimes, we wish that we could turn back in time and undo our blunders. But sadly, we can't.

#1 Stability is a hell of a drug

Source: Hrekires

#2 Take care of your health

Source: zombiearchivist

#3 Don't ever underestimate any symptom

Source: Kusanagi8811

#4 Should have made better choices

Source: jawaballs

#5 Live 40 years hating my self

Source: guscallee

#6 Didn't enjoy life as all should do

Source: MrDundee666

#7 If you can solve a problem, solve it right away, or else it'll come back to bite you

Source: Allenrw3

#8 There's always one person

Source: runikepisteme

#9 Family is irreplaceable

Source: CharlieChooper

#10 My back is hurting me rn, and I'm not even 35

Source: GuyTallman

#11 Wasting all that money...

Source: Kytti_Korner

#12 Buying a proper house is never a wrong decision

Source: Thelazywitch

#13 There are friends we should keep at all cost

Source: mpssss22

#14 Stand up and fight for your mental health

Source: Mtbarnes1

#15 If started saving earlier, some would be rich now

Source: PutAForkInHim