18 Poor Souls Who Really, Really Regret Forgetting To Do Something

Daniel Figaro

Well, for all forgetful minds out there, please note down everything you need to do and stick it all over the place to make sure you won't forget. I'm not a typical sloppy head, really. But you know, every once in a while, our brain just automatically skips some tasks that it "thinks" are unimportant. And it's just messed up, I can confirm. No matter how many times we remind ourselves to do something, just a few minutes later and it's completely slipped our minds.
Okay, so it's not a good thing when you forget to do something, most of the time. And what's worse is that your absent-mindedness can lead to some costly consequences. Anyway, if someone is that forgetful to mess up that bad, we think that they'll soon get over their mistake. Because you know, they'll soon forget it. Now, let's scroll down and see what kind of blunder they've made.

#1 When you live in Svalbard, Norway, and forgot to close the window to the home office

Source: Kjakan

#2 My buddy lives next door to a car dealership and forgot his parking brake

Source: PenguinPush

#3 Forgot I had a dentist appointment and didn't have time to change. They think I am crazy in the waiting room

Source: Possibly_

#4 I forgot the Pepsi was in the back of my car, and it was -16 Fahrenheit the night before last

Source: OneEyedWilson

#5 Friend forgot he had bear mace in his car after camping over the weekend, and the hot sun turned it into a spice missile that shattered the windshield and coated the inside in no-no foam

Source: californiagovernor

#6 Forgetting to wear sunscreen with your paint and ending up looking like a zebra

Source: KinaGrace96

#7 Wife said, "we're taking (our son) to an epic playground." I forgot the part where she said it was at a church

Source: GavinWakeUpCall

#8 Forgot to put the ice tray back

Source: totallymako

#9 After fixing my hair trimmer, I forgot to put the depth thing on

Source: BipedalSnake

#10 Forgot to take the chocolate Easter bunny out of the car

Source: SuperFishy

#11 My mom hid my Easter basket in the oven and forgot

Source: booksinbed

#12 Put both on this morning to get wife’s opinion. Forgot to change before I left and was at work all day like this

Source: feltonpbeaver

#13 We go to a school with a uniform policy that requires a belt. My friend forgot his belt and did this

Source: corpratepirate

#14 Throwback to when my mom forgot to submit my senior baby ad for the yearbook and asked my dad to do it

Source: JestarAuthor

#15 My wife forgot to leave for me the carseat to take our son to the babysitter's house. This is the picture I sent when she asked how I was going to get him there. I then turned off my phone for the next 4 hours

Source: Big-D_OdoubleG

#16 I forgot to take the old coffee pod out of the coffee maker before making cup noodles

Source: superleo42

#17 Forgot spaghetti with mushrooms in the microwave for a week. Now it's a floofly ball of mold

Source: yanbochen

#18 Uhh, excuse me officer, but it looks like you forgot something

Source: QuasarsRcool