Weird But Hilarious Tweets That Definitely Make A Point

Daniel Figaro

Social media brings so much fun to our life. It's true that since the blooming of social media platforms, we've become more connected. And with one tap, we can talk to our distant relatives, update our status for the day, or share with others something fun we've found. Yeah, ever so often, we come across content that makes us laugh for no obvious reason at all. Fairly to say, that sense of humor seems to be rather specific, but we think it's what makes it funny.
Down below are some ridiculously funny tweets that can make you laugh, even though some of them are more or less meaningless. Anyway, if you know it, then you know it. If you don't know it, you'll still laugh because of its silliness. Let's scroll down to have a good dose of laughter reading these tweets!


Source: thepunningman


Source: chuuew


Source: KyleMcDowell86


Source: ArfMeasures


Source: rebrafsim


Source: fro_vo


Source: Holy_Mowgli


Source: gingerBFG


Source: FunnyBison


Source: stevevsninjas


Source: WheelTod


Source: KyleMcDowell86


Source: Holy_Mowgli


Source: mrjohndarby


Source: okimstillhungry


Source: SirEviscerate


Source: Ygrene


Source: PleaseBeGneiss