Well, admittedly, moms have the logic of their own. And don't try to understand or question their laws because it's not going to work, and you'll get confused in a minute. Anyway, moms love to use their reasonings to lesson their kids. But like, their children are more likely to be mortified hearing their lesson rather than actually learn anything.
So, Jimmy Fallon invented the #MomQuotes hashtag, and people on Twitter tagged him with all kinds of hilarious things their mothers have ever said. And like, it's safe to say that dads are not the only joker in the house. Moms also have a great sense of humor. And when compared to the famous dad joke, we think it's a draw. Down below are some of the most brilliant mom quotes we found on the Twittersphere. Let's scroll down and check them out now!
So, Jimmy Fallon invented the #MomQuotes hashtag, and people on Twitter tagged him with all kinds of hilarious things their mothers have ever said. And like, it's safe to say that dads are not the only joker in the house. Moms also have a great sense of humor. And when compared to the famous dad joke, we think it's a draw. Down below are some of the most brilliant mom quotes we found on the Twittersphere. Let's scroll down and check them out now!
#1 So, it all started from here
Source: jimmyfallon
#2 Interesting comparison
Source: joshuabarney44
#3 You scare me, mom!
Source: Amysanwaaa
#4 Mom, what are you doin'?
Source: zedubode
#5 We guess this woman was interested in more than just his appearance
Source: FourPrivetDr
#6 Don't mess with moms
Source: chelseaofwords
#7 This would have been a nice combo
Source: kassafrass_16
#8 Moms can be really savage and this proves it!
Source: MeganPhlllips
#9 We need to admit that this makes total sense!
Source: jyplaysguitar
#10 That changed quack-ly
Source: awritingwall
#11 I swear I think she actually called it "Fa la la la la" once
Source: megannem
#12 I mean, she's right though. Life lesson: keep birds from your bush
Source: kirstenareveli1
#13 We are still laughing after we imagined this happening!
Source: LaNaranjaMala
#14 Mom, you ruined the moment!
Source: ZitoColleen
#15 Okay, mom!
Source: Alohababe2011
#16 These brothers definitely have a sarcastic mother!
Source: kingedhill
#17 This is some dark sense of humor
Source: KristenRose124
#18 Just a mom doing mom's thing
Source: carekipland
#19 Here is a piece of marriage advice
Source: Jmiller423
#20 This is a dope thing to do
Source: EmeryRosenbaum