Parents And Their Kids Have Awkward Conversations At Times, And It's Hilarious

Daniel Figaro

Childhood is the most enjoyable time a person has in their life. You know, children have a rather easy lifestyle. They are curious, fearless little human beings that can do things we can't imagine. But like, no matter what they do, they never fail to put a smile on the face of their parents. Cuteness, clumsiness, and even dumbness, it hard to describe how we love it when they show us their innocence and playful side.
And yes, it takes years for our children to become "Mr. Know It All." But before that, they'll need to learn a lot, from the most simple things like day and night, how to use a spoon, to more complicated matters like the theory of relativity and such. And during that process, we parents can't avoid being asked weird and hilarious questions. And like, kids have their logic, it's just different than what we know. And as a result, parents are sometimes lost in awkward conversations with their kids. Let's scroll down and enjoy.

#1 It's never too soon to learn about the night

Source: Tweetsnwhatnot

#2 How real is too real for a kid?

Source: not_thenanny

#3 Being honest is good...

Source: PurestInNoSense

#4 Be careful what you wish for, kiddo!

Source: Gloriatunu1

#5 Oh well, genetic links with intelligence

Source: iwearaonesie

#6 This mom better keep an eye on her son

Source: pro_worrier_

#7 Gullible kids

Source: CyphDadNextdoor

#8 Quick, tell him they do and they also hiccup fire

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#9 Don't tell anyone else

Source: chore_daddy

#10 Brushing alone is not enough

Source: Luciuxness

#11 You'll be fine, mama

Source: CeciATL

#12 Helpless mom

Source: ThisOneSayz

#13 Kids are good at hiding things, even the ones that do not exist

Source: Adamhill1212

#14 Sounds like a nice place to hide

Source: dad_on_my_feet

#15 Then why on earth they think Santa is real?

Source: TragicAllyHere

#16 LOL. This is hilarious

Source: jacaristar

#17 *takes note*

Source: Kids_kubed

#18 It sees your tiny hands, perhaps

Source: azedi

#19 Making a fool out of them while you can, and then it is karma

Source: TwinzerDad

#20 And that just breaks you down laughing, so no more arguing

Source: JennyPentland

#21 Imagine that shock

Source: ramzy

#22 We all need souvenirs of where and whom we have come across

Source: mmbtox